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Council Approves $7.2 Million Robinson Park Recreation Center Renovation

Published on Thursday, December 15, 2016 | 11:25 pm

Pasadena’s City Council approved the contract for the renovation of the Robinson Park Recreation Center at last Monday’s night meeting. Construction is expected to begin in February, 2017 and be completed by Spring, 2018.

Upon the recommendation of the City’s Department of Public Works, the City Council authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract worth not more than $7,259,000 with Pico Rivera-based AWI Builders, Inc., which was chosen as the lowest responsive and responsible among five contractors that submitted bids in November. The amount includes the base contract amount of $6,599,000 and a contingency of $660,000 to provide for any necessary change orders.

According to the Public Works Department, the $7.26 million renovation project will include the construction of a state-of-the-art sports field, expansion of the park, and reconstruction of the existing recreation building. New amenities will include the City’s first synthetic turf field, additional off-street parking, new restrooms, and lighting improvements.

Councilmembers said the City Council swiftly approved this project “with much pride” and any sense of friction exhibited at prior deliberations during the meeting quickly dissipated.

“I would like to thank staff … [this project] has city-wide implications, as it relates to providing quality recreational services for our community and, in some respects, even others that visit our world-class city,” said Councilmember John Kennedy.

Councilmember Victor Gordo was quick to agree, citing that the project had been a long time coming.

“This is a great project for the entire city; it has been in the capital improvement budget for 13 years,” Gordo said.

Mayor Terry Tornek the community would be happy to see improvements in the facilities at Robinson’s Park when they are completed. Tornek actually started the segment in the meeting to discuss the project by saying “this is a happy report.”

“The community has been waiting for this for a long time. This is a project of city-wide pride and passes unanimously and with glee,” Tornek said.

The City Council first saw the Robinson Park Master Plan in 2002 including the renovation project for the recreation center. In 2013, the project was presented to the Human Services and Recreation and Parks Commissions at a special joint meeting.

A Conditional Use Permit application was approved by the Hearing Officer on November 4, 2015, and the project received Final Design Review approval by the Design Commission on June 15 this year.

Public Works also conducted a series of community meetings and consultations to gather community input and ideas regarding the renovation. In October, local Pasadena businesses were consulted as well as part of the public outreach to get their input regarding the Robinson Park project.

Funding for the project will be addressed by the use of budgeted appropriations in the Capital Improvement Program, and the budget for the Robinson Park Recreation Center Renovation. All of the costs are anticipated to be spent during the third quarter of fiscal year 2017 through the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2018.

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