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Study Abroad in Costa Rica Offered for Winter 2013

Published on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 | 10:15 am

Pasadena City College will be providing students and the community with an opportunity to study abroad in Costa Rica from Jan. 6 to Feb. 3, 2013. Participants will spend four weeks combining the study of Spanish language with an exploration of Latin-American biodiversity, life, and culture.

The program will be led by Professor Loknath Persaud of the PCC Languages Division and includes the following courses: Spanish 1 through 4, Spanish 150A and 150B (Spanish for Business and Travel), and Spanish 44A (Latin American Culture and Civilization).

Spanning across Heredia, near the capital of San Jose, and the oceanfront village of Flamingo Beach, the program will fully immerse participants in all aspects of life in Costa Rica, including four hours of Spanish instruction daily, a course in Latin American culture and civilization taught by Persaud, home stays with Costa Rican families, and optional cooking and dancing classes and trips to historic sites. The program is priced at $3,335, excluding PCC fees, airline taxes, and fuel surcharges.

Those interested in the program are encouraged to attend one of the following informational meetings:
• July 17 and 31 at noon in C217
• September 11 at noon in C225
• September 25 at noon C225
• October 16 at noon C225
• October 31 at noon C225
• September 12 at 6.00 p.m. C217
• September 26 at 6:00 p.m. C217
• October 17 at 6:00 p.m. C217
• October 31 at 6:00 p.m. C217

To apply for the program, please bring a completed application form ( to the Study Abroad Office (C221). For more information, please contact the Study Abroad Office at (626) 585-7203 or email

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