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Wilson Considers Vote Recount Options as District 7 Awaits Election’s Final Results

Published on Thursday, April 20, 2017 | 5:28 am
Incumbent Andy Wilson (at left) and challenger Phil Hosp.

[Updated | Thursday, April 20, 2017 | 7:40 a.m.]    With the results of Tuesday evening’s 7th District runoff election between incumbent Andy Wilson and newcomer Phil Hosp “frozen” until next week’s final vote counting session of remaining mail-in and provisional ballots, and Hosp clutching a razor-thin 20 vote lead, Wilson said he is exploring what recount options he may have if the final tally ends in a similarly slim Hosp victory.

View of the unofficial results at the conclusion of Tuesday night's ballot counting session at Pasadena City Hall.

City election officials said the results so far make the race too close to call. About 290 ballots —including about 90 provisional ballots and 200 vote-by-mail ballots — still need to be verified and then counted. In addition, an unknown number of vote-by-mail ballots could be received by the end of this week and they too need to be verified as eligible to be counted.

On Wednesday, Wilson said he is considering his options should the outcome go against him.

“We are looking at receiving outside counsel, not necessarily lawyers, but consultants who look at contested races, or where a recount might ever be considered,” he said.

“They are specialists that we are interviewing,” he continued. “We can’t wait until the last minute to see if that’s something we need or not. We’re educating ourselves in understanding what the options may be, depending on how things play out.”

For his part, Hosp said he is not yet considering a recount.

“It’s too early,” he said. ‘We don’t know what’s going to happen until it’s done, and I’m not looking at that.”

Both Wilson and Hosp together met Wednesday afternoon with City Clerk Mark Jomsky to discuss the procedures which apply to counting the final ballots.

Additionally, Jomsky explained, his office will perform a partial recount.

In an email to Pasadena Now, Jomsky explained that the Elections Code mandates a partial recount regardless of outcome. For this race, Jomsky said, “one Vote by Mail precinct and one polling site precinct” will be recounted by his office. It is required for every election by the Elections Code, so there is no cost to the candidates.

If a candidate wants a full recount of all votes cast, Jomsky said, that candidate would have to foot the bill.

He declined to speculate on the cost of a full recount, saying he does not yet have that information.

“Only vote by mail ballots can still be received, and only through USPS mail or bona fide mail delivery service.  They must be postmarked on or before Election Day.  We are not receiving any more provisional ballots,” Jomsky said this morning.

The final count will be performed in Council Chambers next Wednesday at 5 p.m.

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