At its first meeting, members of the City’s Reconnecting Communities Advisory Group named Danny Parker as the Chair and Rémy De La Peza as the Vice Chair of the group which will provide guidance and advice to the City Council regarding the redevelopment of the nearly 50-acre 710 stub.
For over 50 years, the state planned a freeway through the heart of Pasadena, extending the 710 to connect the 110, 134, and 210 freeways.
In 1964, the State of California took possession of a half-mile swath of land and seized hundreds of homes in southwestern Pasadena, the city of South Pasadena and the Los Angeles neighborhood of El Sereno through eminent domain in what ultimately became a failed effort to connect the Long Beach 710 and Foothill 210 freeways.
In June, the City reclaimed the stub after Caltrans voted unanimously to approve relinquishment of the 710 stub back to Pasadena.
The City also received a one-time payment of $5 million as part of the vote.
The vote came after decades of uncertainty regarding the future of the 710 northern extension, and marked a historic moment in the City’s long-sought goal of re-envisioning and rebuilding what was once an integral and vibrant part of Pasadena.
According to a City staff document, the 710 Community Advisory Working Group “will provide input to the City Council on the vision, land use, massing, circulation, and other urban design aspects of the plan, as well as other key policy issues, including potential restorative justice efforts relating to the displacement caused by the proposed freeway expansion.”
On Monday, the group also received Brown Act training and background information about the group.