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75% of Pasadena’s Registered Voters Cast Ballots in November Election

Published on Thursday, December 12, 2024 | 6:40 am

City Clerk Mark Jomsky reported on Monday high voter turnout in the Nov. 5 election.

“The County reported 89,696 registered voters in Pasadena, of which 67,340 casted ballots in this past election for an overall turnout in Pasadena of 75.1%,” Jomsky reported to the City Council as he certified the results of the election.

The turnout across Los Angeles County was just above 66%. After the results were read, outgoing Vice Mayor Steve Madison expressed pride in the numbers.

“Pasadena said we pay attention, they worked their way through six local initiatives on a long, heavy ballot where it’s real easy to just check out and say no. And they supported education, our school District, they supported the Central Library and by extension all of our libraries, they supported reasonable political reform and supported our police and firefighters with a technical amendment. So across the Board, Pasadenans paid attention.”

The turnout may have been driven by several City Charter reform measures on the ballot that impacted local government and one that will save the local library.

Measure PL, a $195 million bond for library improvements, renovation, and an earthquake retrofit of the 97-year-old Pasadena Central Library, received overwhelming support. The measure received 72.42% of voters (44,835 votes) voting in favor. The voter approval will allow the city to issue general obligation bonds, generating $12 million annually to fund the project, which includes roof replacement, asbestos removal, fire safety updates, and technology upgrades. The library has been closed since 2022. City officials plan to move forward with finalizing renovation plans in early 2025.

In addition to Measure PL, voters approved five City Charter amendments. Measure PA, which mandates special elections to fill City Council vacancies and establishes residency requirements for appointed officeholders, passed with 86.41% of the vote. Measure PB, which revises the City Council’s organizational meeting schedule and creates an Acting Mayor position, was approved by 85.60% of voters. Measure PC, which imposes term limits on elected officials, passed with 81.96% approval. Measure PF, which ensures continued fire and police representation on the Pasadena Fire and Police Retirement System Board, received 85.64% support, while Measure PR, which aligns Pasadena’s housing and eviction rules with state law, passed with 63.87% of the vote.

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