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Cancer Support Community of Pasadena’s “Angel Gala” Celebrates 25 Years of Helping Cancer Patients

Cancer Support Community holds 25th Anniversary Gala

Published on Monday, April 20, 2015 | 11:45 am

It was an afternoon and evening of white, as Cancer Support Community of Pasadena’s “Angel Gala” celebrated 25 years of helping thousands of cancer patients throughout the city. The night also honored friends and supporters Lydia and Ron Valenta, as well as the law firm of Christie, Parker and Hale.

Ron is a former president of the board of the organization, and has been a board member for three and a half years. His wife Lydia, has also co-chaired three previous Angel Galas.

Said Ron, “The word, ‘cancer,’ brings with it a host of emotions, not the least of which are fear and concern, but we are proud to support those people with that diagnosis. Cancer Support Community of Pasadena is something very close to my family and we will work with it as long as we are able, and we hope our children will do the same.”

365 supporters attended the lavish event, held at the Ambassador Mansion and Gardens, and co-chaired by Stephanie Fox, Kathleen Hopper and Michele Mozilo.

Guests also bid on more than two hundred auction items, which ranged from dinners to fine art to wine tastings and baseball games, donated by scores of local and national businesses. Auctioneer Randy Gordon was an energetic force all evening, persuading guests to give lavishly.

Tom Daly, board president, opened the evening, discussing the group’s history and reminding the audience that Cancer Support Community Pasadena has helped more than 37,00 patients over the years. “We hope to continue to do this for many more years to come,” he said.

Guest speaker Michael Healy told a riveting and bittersweet tale of the personal effect that cancer has had on his family, as he lost both his mother and his son both to cancer. His father also lost two wives to the deadly disease.

Cancer Support Community of Pasadena is part of an international non-profit organization which provides emotional support, education and hope to people with cancer as well as their loved ones. The group currently has nearly 50 sites around the United States and two international sites.

Meg Symes, director of events and special gifts, told the group that the evening was the group’s most successful event ever, and that she was “thrilled and excited at the response.”

More than $200,000 was raised Saturday night, as the group made plans for a celebration next year.


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