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Holden Legislation to Provide Funds for Pasadena Central and Altadena Libraries, Playhouse, Gold Line-to-Airport Extension Study

Published on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 | 5:52 am

Assemblyman Chris Holden scored local victories on Monday when the state legislature passed AB 129 and SB 129. The legislation, known as a budget trailer bill, supplements the 2021-2022 State Budget agreement announced earlier in June. The victories include $4 million for the Pasadena Central Library, $1.6 million for the Pasadena Playhouse, $1 million for a study of the Gold Line extension to the Hollywood-Burbank Airport, and $250,000 for the Altadena Central Library District.

“Today’s local budget victories will have a direct positive impact in the 41st Assembly District,” said Assemblymember Chris Holden. “I’m thankful of the support from my colleagues and look forward to bringing more victories home to the district I represent and the people I serve.”

The $4 million for the Pasadena Central Library will be used to fund a seismic retrofit study. A recent engineering analysis revealed that the building does not meet seismic safety standards and as of May, the building has been closed to the public.

The $1.6 million for the Pasadena Playhouse will fund heating, ventilation, and air conditioning upgrades. The improvements will help the Playhouse return indoors post-pandemic.

The $1 million for a feasibility study to extend Los Angeles Metro Gold Line from Pasadena to the Hollywood Burbank Airport would serve as a critical rail to airport connection for the region.

The $250,000 for the Altadena Central Library District will support all libraries in the unincorporated area of Altadena and enable them to make building improvements and address program and service needs. The money will also allow them to fund a mobile library van called the Curiosity Connection. This library on wheels will provide programming, wifi access, materials and opportunities for community conversations. The van will be an opportunity to “take it to the people” by having a physical presence in Altadena’s diverse neighborhoods.

The budget landed additional victories sought by Holden including funding for a State School Nurse Consultant within the Department of Education, and $89.9 million to provide more equitable funding for developmental disability service providers that will grow to $1.2 billion in the next five years.

“I have been working for the past five years to ensure that developmental disability service providers are being compensated adequately for the important work they do to improve the lives of those living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I’m thrilled to finally see the budget make the necessary investments in the developmental disability community who are our family, friends, and neighbors,” said Holden.

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One thought on “Holden Legislation to Provide Funds for Pasadena Central and Altadena Libraries, Playhouse, Gold Line-to-Airport Extension Study

  • Way to go Chris. Your deviated work for our Community is truly appreciated. Thanks






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