Altadena Sheriff’s Station will be hosting National Night Out on Tuesday August 2nd, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Farnsworth Park, located at 568 E. Mount Curve Ave.
The various agencies will be setting up booths and equipment in the park on the grass area just north of the baseball field. We have LA Co. Fire, our Special Enforcement Bureau (SWAT), California Highway Patrol, and our various volunteer and neighborhood watch groups in attendance. A Barbecue dinner will be served, along with cotton candy, popcorn, snow cones and a bounce house. A face painter from the LA Co. Parks department will be helping out also. Eaton Canyon Nature Center will have a presentation, plants, and live animals on display.
This event is meant to increase awareness about police programs in Altadena, such as Explorers, radio service, volunteers, Reserve Deputies, neighborhood watch and other anti crime efforts.