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Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Operation Planned for August 7

Published on Thursday, July 30, 2020 | 2:08 pm

The Pasadena Police Department will conduct a bicycle and pedestrian safety enforcement operation Friday, August 7, 2020 aimed at keeping people who need to go out to exercise or run essential errands safe.

While the COVID-19 pandemic is requiring residents to stay home as much as possible, the Pasadena Police Department recognizes the need to protect the public by looking for violations made by bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians that make roads unsafe.

“I receive many complaints about individuals driving unsafe all around our city.” Lieutenant Max Dahlstein said. “Our focus for this Safety Operation is to keep people safe. Everybody benefits when people follow traffic laws and drive responsibly.”

The safety of bicyclists and pedestrians remains a top priority for the Pasadena Police Department. So far this year, the Pasadena Police Department has investigated 44 injury collisions involving bicyclists and pedestrians.

These violations include drivers speeding, making illegal turns, failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, failing to stop for signs and signals or any other traffic violations. Officers will also look for pedestrians who cross the street illegally or fail to yield to drivers who have the right of way. Bike riders will be stopped when riding on the wrong side of the road, not complying with stop signs and signals, or other violation of the same traffic laws that apply to them as drivers.

To keep you and your family safe, the Pasadena Police Department offers the following tips when out biking, driving or walking:

• Only cross at marked crosswalks or intersections with a stop sign or signal.
• Look for cars backing up. Avoid going between parked cars.
• Make eye contact with drivers. Don’t assume they see you.
• Wear bright clothing during the day and use a flashlight when walking at night.
• Wait for pedestrians to cross the street. Be courteous and patient.
• Stay off the phone.
• Follow the speed limit.
• Look for pedestrians when backing up or turning. BICYCLISTS
• Always wear a helmet. Helmets are required by law for anyone under 18.
• Bicyclists must travel in the same direction of traffic and have the same requirements as any slow moving vehicle.

Everyone who is out is reminded to practice physical distancing measures, when feasible, staying at least six feet away from others.

Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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