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Stimulus Checks Could Start Hitting Pasadena Bank Accounts This Weekend

Published on Thursday, March 11, 2021 | 2:31 pm

President Joe Biden signed into the law the American Rescue Act, a $1.9 trillion stimulus package on Thursday which could provide some Pasadena residents $1,400 stimulus checks and local businesses much needed relief.

“Yesterday, with the final passage of the plan in the House of Representatives, their voices were heard and … reflected in everything we have in this bill. And I believe this is — and most people, I think, do as well — this historic legislation is about rebuilding the backbone of this country and giving people in this nation — working people and middle-class folks, the people who built the country — a fighting chance,” said Biden in a statement released on the White House website. “That’s what the essence of it is.”

Checks are scheduled to begin going out to taxpayers this weekend who used direct deposit when they filed their 2020 tax return, according to CNN.

Adam Schiff (D-Pasadena) said the package headed to the president’s desk not a moment too soon.

“Fourteen-hundred dollar relief checks. Extended unemployment benefits. Funding to increase vaccinations, keep people in their homes, reopen schools, and cut child poverty in half,” Schiff tweeted on Thursday. “Help is on the way.”

The relief comes almost a year to the day after the pandemic forced city officials to shut down businesses and schools.
The legislation is also designed to help end child poverty by advancing part of the child tax credit to eligible families this summer.

In July families could receive monthly payments of up to $250 per child (and $300 per child under six.

The updates to the child tax credit won’t require you to make any changes to your 2020 tax return. Eligibility will be based on your 2019 or 2020 tax return information, depending on when you filed, according to CNBC.

“In the weeks that this bill has been discussed and debated, it’s clear that an overwhelming percentage of the American people — Democrats, independents, our Republican friends — have made it clear — the people out there have made it clear they strongly support the American Rescue Plan,” Biden said.

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