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Burn Calories, Stay Cool, Go Swim

Swimming can be the only total body workout you'll ever need.

Published on Monday, December 2, 2013 | 12:30 pm

Is eating all you can think about these days? When the holiday season comes to an end, you might be wondering why you look different. Different, in this case, means bigger. We know that staying fit is important, but not everyone is keen on sweating it out.

For those who can’t bear the thought of sacrificing a little sweat to get fit, or if you are looking for one sport or program to rule them all, swimming is the answer.

It’s never too late to learn to swim, and to prove it, Waterworks Aquatics is offering Adult Lessons for beginners and even triathletes looking to improve their technique. Trained instructors will teach and guide you through all the basic skills and all lessons are tailored to your individual needs. If you feel a little shy, you’ll be happy to know that Waterworks Aquatics’ adult swim lessons are private and can be scheduled based on the instructor’s availability.

So why learn to swim anyway? Consider these:

– Freestyle swimming and the backstroke can burn between 500 to 700 calories an hour.

– The breaststroke burns 750 calories an hour.

– The butterfly stroke strengthens the shoulders and, though the most difficult of all strokes, can burn a whopping 800 calories an hour. It is also the best stroke to use to burn fat and build muscle.

– You learn to regulate your breathing.

– It relieves stress and has psychological benefits.

– You don’t spend a lot on expensive equipment.

– It’s a life skill that is worth learning.

There are more reasons of course, and these are but a few important facts to consider.

Also, women who are into aerobics will be pleased to know that Water Aerobics classes are offered at Waterworks Aquatics. Held in the 5-lane, 25-yard indoor pool that is heated up to 89 degrees, classes are offered for both Low and High Intensity.

Why do water aerobics instead of the terra firma version? Aside from not sweating too much (if at all), water buoyancy reduces a person’s weight by as much as 90%, thus reducing the burden on stress-bearing joints and muscles. This, in turn, means less injury risk and muscle soreness. It also means that water aerobics is perfect for people with arthritis and those recovering from injuries.

Other benefits of water aerobics include improved circulation, strengthening of muscles, improved flexibility and range of motion, increased endurance, and is very beneficial to people with Multiple Sclerosis.

To learn more about Adult Swim and Water Aerobics classes, visit or call (626) 836-1200. You can also email for more details.

Waterworks Aquatics Pasadena is located at 2290 East Foothill Blvd.

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