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Calvary Presbyterian Church: Get Out of Church Hands-On Mission Seminar

Published on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 | 5:03 pm

The Mission and Stewardship Committee and the Christian Life Formation Committee are pleased and excited to join together to sponsor Get Out of Church, Calvary’s first hands-on mission seminar. It will begin Sunday, February 19th, 11:30 a.m., in South Parlor.

The purpose of the seminar is to study the possibilities for and to identify one or more medium to long term hands-on (as distinguished from fund-raising) projects in which Calvary members are willing to participate and which will both spread God’s love to others (mission) and help the project participants intensify their own personal faith (Christian life formation). The premise for the seminar is that while every kind of Christian education and every spiritual discipline can help build one’s faith, nothing can be as effective as personal participation in the projection of Christ into the world through direct personal contact with others.

The seminar will be led by Pastor Rex McDaniel and will feature some guest speakers, but success in selecting any ongoing mission programs will depend mainly on investigations and evaluations by the seminar participants. There is one prerequisite for those interested to join and be part of the seminar: You must have an open mind to the possibility of actually taking part in a hands-on mission project if the seminar results in the selection of one to try. Please understand that you are not being asked for a promise to be involved in something which has yet to be identified – just that if and when the time comes you will give prayerful consideration to becoming a part of the group which carries the venture forward.

Calvary Presbyterian Church, 1050 Fremont Avenue, South Pasadena, (626) 799-7148 or visit

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