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Candidates, Library Tax Measure Slated for South Pasadena City Council Election in November 2015

Published on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 | 1:08 pm

South Pasadena City Councilmembers Marina Khubesrian, M.D., Richard D. Schneider, M.D., and Mayor Robert Joe filed last week to run for re-election in the General Municipal Election to be held on November 3, 2015. South Pasadena resident Alan Reynolds pulled nomination papers and filed a form stating that he intends to run for office. Three positions are expiring, and the term of office runs from 2015 to 2019.

The deadline to file as a City Council candidate is August 7, 2015, by 4:00 p.m., with the City Clerk’s Division at City Hall, 1414 Mission Street, South Pasadena. Candidate information, including candidate statements that will appear in the sample ballot, will be available for review by the public from August 10-17, 2015, through the City Clerk’s Division.

In addition, the “We Love Our Library: Yes on Measure L” Committee filed an Argument in Favor of a Measure that will appear on the November ballot to renew and modestly increase the South Pasadena Public Library Special Tax that currently generates approximately $230,000 for the Library. Signing the argument were Brendan Durrett, Chair, “We Love Our Library: Yes on Measure L” Committee; Robert Joe, Mayor; Edward Pearson, President, South Pasadena Public Library Board of Trustees; Jon Primuth, Past President, South Pasadena Educational Foundation; and Ann Messana, President, Friends of the South Pasadena Public Library. No argument opposed to the Measure has been filed.

City Attorney Teresa L. Highsmith has submitted an Impartial Analysis of the Measure. The ballot language, the Argument in Favor, and the Impartial Analysis will be available for review by the public from August 17- 24, 2015, at the City Clerk’s Division. For additional information, call (626) 403-7230.


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