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Christmas Memories… A Soliloquy

Published on Tuesday, December 10, 2013 | 11:42 am
"Helping you live your dreams"

As a child growing up in the San Rafael area of Pasadena, Christmas was my favorite time of the year. The San Gabriel Valley would sparkle with Christmas lights and our mother knew just where to take us to see the best displays. We would pile into the family station wagon and tour St. Albans Road, Christmas Tree Lane, the Balian Mansion and Hastings Ranch.

But my favorite excursion was to Bullock’s on South Lake to have my photo taken with Santa. After confiding my most heartfelt desires, I would head across the street to Blums’s, with my siblings, where my mother said we could each order a hot fudge sundae or a banana split.

Today I work on South Lake Avenue, right down the block from where Blum’s was located. And, as a Pasadena-born-and-bred realtor, I know all the best chimneys in town. If you live in the San Gabriel Valley you can trust me to find you the perfect chimney for Santa to use to deliver your presents to you in the future. And, don’t forget to have hot cocoa and cookies ready for him, like we did on Christmas Eve at the Bell house.


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