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City Council Conducts Second Reading of Playhouse Parking Meter Ordinance

Parking Commission to oversee meter program and new boundaries

Published on Thursday, October 31, 2024 | 5:17 am

The Pasadena City Council conducted the second reading of an ordinance to establish a Playhouse Parking Meter Zone Advisory Commission, expand the boundaries of the current parking meter zone, and implement a new occupancy-based parking rate structure.

The new commission will help address parking challenges and improve the overall parking experience in the Playhouse District.

The ordinance addresses parking concerns in the Playhouse District, a popular destination for dining, entertainment, and shopping.

The current Playhouse Parking Meter Zone is bounded by Union Street to the north, Los Robles Avenue to the west, El Dorado Street to the south, and Oakland Avenue to the east. Paid parking currently exists on Los Robles Avenue from Green Street to Union Street.

The proposed expansion would extend the zone boundaries to the east. The expansion would be bound by Union Street to the north, Los Robles Avenue to the west, El Dorado Street to the south along Oakland Avenue, then Green Street to the south along Hudson Avenue, then Colorado Boulevard to the south, and Catalina Avenue to the east until reaching Union Street.

City Staff estimates a revenue increase to the Playhouse Meter Fund by approximately $750,000 in FY2025.

The area has seen increased demand for parking, leading to challenges for businesses and visitors alike.

The proposed commission will consist of seven members, including property owners, renters, and an at-large representative. Its primary role would be to oversee the meter program and recommend expenditures of net revenues for street and parking-related improvements.

The new occupancy-based rate structure aims to manage parking occupancy and encourage turnover, with higher rates in high-demand areas and lower rates in underutilized streets.

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