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Black Infant Health Program Expansion Proposal Among Items on Monday’s Council Consent Calendar

Published on Monday, July 31, 2023 | 4:00 am

The City Council is expected to authorize the City Manager to amend an agreement about Black Infant Healthcare with the County of Los Angeles on Monday. 

The amendment will allow the City of Pasadena to accept and administer State of California grant funds to expand the Black Infant Health Program locally, within County of Los Angeles Service Planning Area 3. The Fiscal Year 2024 Public Health Department Operating Budget will be amended to recognize and appropriate $636,070 in grant funds and increase personnel allocation by 7.0 full-time equivalent if, as anticipated, the Council approves.

For more than 30 years, the City of Pasadena Black Infant Health (“BIH”) program has helped pregnant and parenting women develop life skills, set and attain health goals, and learn strategies for managing stress. 

The program is intended to address the large and persistent disparities in maternal and infant health that affect the African American birthing community and align with the Pasadena Public Health Department goal of ending health inequities and achieving healthy birth outcomes for Black women and birthing people [i.e., people who don’t identify as cisgender women who are having a child]. 

The BIH program provides 10 prenatal and 10 postpartum groups sessions covering a number of varying topics, including: cultural heritage as a source of pride; healthy pregnancy, labor and delivery; nurturing ourselves and our babies; prenatal, postnatal, and newborn care; stress management; and healthy relationships. 

The program also provides client-centered life planning and one-on-one case management. 

Infant mortality rate is an important indicator of a population’s health, the quality of health care, and an essential tool for monitoring the health and well-being of infants, children, and families. 

In Los Angeles County, Black infants are more than twice as likely as White infants to die before reaching their first birthday. 

At the same time, preterm birth is one of the leading causes of infant death overall and highest among Black infants. In California, preterm births have increased for the third straight year. 

The Pasadena Public Health Department has sought opportunities to supplement the local program over the years. 

Through the current contract with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, the BIH program provides services to women in the greater San Gabriel Valley including Pasadena, Altadena, Monrovia, Arcadia, Duarte, South Pasadena, and Claremont.

Other items on Monday’s consent calendar — a tool used by government bodies to streamline meeting procedures by grouping routine, non-controversial items into a single agenda item that can be approved in one vote  — include:

  •  A contract amendment with Dixon Resources Unlimited to increase the amount to $86,970 and extend the contract through June 30. In April of 2020, under the City Manager’s purchasing authority, the City entered into a contract with Dixon Resources Unlimited (Dixon) following a competitive selection· process for parking meter outreach and procurement consulting services. Dixon has worked closely with City and Playhouse Village Association (PVA) staff to conduct outreach to local business owners, organize a meter demonstration open house event, and to contact private parking owners to determine if they would be willing to accommodate public and employee parking for the PVA.
  • Rejection of bid for camera purchase and installation. On April 24th, 2023, the prior Agenda Report related to this camera project was presented to City Council and approved for purchase using federal grant funds. Department staff followed City purchasing guidelines and sent a Notice Inviting Bids for purchase and installation of a thermal imaging camera system.
  • Approval of for the creation of six air parcels for residential condominium purposes at 85 N. Grand Oaks Ave. The applicant is proposing to create six air parcels for residential condominium purposes. The project involves the demolition of one existing single-family dwelling and the construction of a six-unit building with subterranean parking. 
  • Authorization to enter into contracts with Ebsco Industries, Inc. Midwest Tape LLC; Proquest LP and Cengage Learning Inc. to provide electronic services and information to the Pasadena Public Library system. The Pasadena Public Library “Library” aims to enhance the lives of local residents and visitors through the provision of library services and collections. These services include granting access to a wide range of eResources, such as digital and streaming media, as well as educational and research databases. This access is available in libraries and remotely. In the fiscal year of 2023, there were a total of 103,422 usage sessions of eResources, with 91,937 eBook and eMedia circulations and downloads. The Library serves a population of 140,530 and welcomes over 462,002 library visitors on an annual basis. To meet its requirements, the Library seeks electronic resource vendors who can offer access to authoritative and high-quality research resources, as well as a diverse range of streaming media titles. When it comes to search-and-research databases, the Library prioritizes vendors that provide comprehensive coverage in various subject fields, up-to-date and frequent indexing, and the ability to accommodate multiple simultaneous users. For electronic/streaming media vendors, the Library prioritizes those that offer a broad selection of digital comics, digital magazines, music, and video content across different genres. Furthermore, the Library seeks content from diverse publishers and producers, catering to audiences of all ages, including children, families, teens, and adults. 
  • Authorize the City Manager to a contract with South Bay Workforce Development Board on the behalf of the City of Inglewood to extend the term for a period of two years to June 30, 2025 for an amount not exceed $3.1 million.
  • Authorize the City Manager to amend a fiber lease with Art Center College of Design, to expand city-provided fiber services and increase license fees by $17,000. Originally installed in the late 1990s and expanded over the past several years, the City’s fiber optic network supports the City’s voice and data networks, utility, and transportation operations. The City also leverages excess capacity within the network to lease fiber and provide fiber-based services to a variety of customers, generating revenue in the process. City fiber customers include Level 3 Communications, major institutions such as the California Institute of Technology and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and other local businesses. On November 29, 2021, the City Council authorized a multi-year fiber lease agreement, 23,591, with the Art Center College of Design (Art Center) for installation and use of City fiber to connect their South Campus to its Hillside Campus. In June of this year, Art Center representatives informed City staff of their desire to lease additional fiber strands. The increased number of leased fiber strands will generate an additional $17,000 for the remaining duration of the contract, which lasts through January 2025. 
  •  Authorize the City Manager to enter into a fiber lease agreement with the California Institute of Technology/Jet Propulsion Laboratory for use of City fiber, resulting in $794,774 in revenue to the City over the five-year term of the agreement. California Institute of Technology/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has used City fiber since 2003 to link satellite and subcontractor facilities with the JPL main campus. The current agreement, 21,483, which has generated $1,778,581 over 10 years, is nearing its expiration, and JPL has formally requested a new agreement to maintain the provision of existing services. The proposed agreement continues JPL’s current use of City fiber, as well as allowing them to pay for and use additional strands of fiber between their main campus and satellite facilities in portions of the network that have excess capacity. The recommended fiber lease agreement has a five-year term and will generate annual revenue of $158,954, amounting to a grand total of $794,774 in lease fees. The lease fee compensates the City for ongoing use of the fiber, as well as for maintenance and repair of any outages. 
  • Authorization to enter into a purchase order contract with Supplymates not to exceed $366,388. The Pasadena Police Department Patrol Division is responsible for ordering materials and office supplies to manage day-to-day operations for every division and section of the police department. 
  •  Adopt a Resolution Establishing Three New Classifications and Salaries and Updating Salaries of Three Existing Classifications. The Human Resources Department’s Employment Services Division is responsible for managing classification and compensation work for the City. As part of the recently adopted FY2024 Operating Budget, additional FTEs were added to the PRCS Department Budget to staff a new year-round Aquatics program at the Robinson Park Pool, which is expected to be open to the public in September 2023. Human Resources recommends establishing three new full-time classifications to adequately staff the enhanced year-round program. The PRCS department conducted a salary survey of agencies with aquatics programs and recommends increases to the below hourly rates to support the City’s ability to recruit and retain skilled personnel in a highly competitive labor market. 
  • Authorization to enter into a contract with Moule and Polyzoides for the development of objective design standards for high density residential projects not-to-exceed $288,000. Authorize the City Manager to enter into contracts for professional or unique services, with Moule and Polyzoides for services related to development of objective residential design standards in an amount not-to-exceed $288,000 over a one-year term.
  • Approve an Amended Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Pasadena and the Pasadena Management Association (PMA), for the term of July 1 through June 30, 2027. The Pasadena Management Association (PMA) represents 467 full-time employees in professional, supervisory and management classifications. The current Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the PMA expired on June 30. Negotiations for a successor MOU began on April 18, and the parties reached a tentative agreement on a new multi-year contract on July 19. PMA ratified the tentative agreement on July 26. The proposed 4-year agreement will have a term of July 1 through June 30, 2027. 
  • Approve an Amended Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Pasadena and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), for the term of July 1 through June 30, 2027. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) represents 26 full-time employees in the classifications of Solid Waste Truck Operator I and Solid Waste Truck Operator 11. Solid Waste Truck Operators are responsible for the collection of the City’s refuse and recycling. The current Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the SEIU expired on June 30. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) represents twenty-six full-time employees in the classifications of Solid Waste Truck Operator I and Solid Waste Truck Operator 11. Solid Waste Truck Operators are responsible for the collection of the City’s refuse and recycling. The current Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the SEIU expired on June 30. Negotiations for a successor MOU began on June 1, and the parties reached a tentative agreement on a new multi-year contract on July 18. The proposed 4-year agreement will have a term of July 1 through June 30, 2027. 
  •  Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract for an amount not to exceed $150,000 or five years, whichever comes first with Premier First Responder Psychological Service for for counseling services for fire and emergency personnel. Fire and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) responders are routinely exposed to incidents involving devastating injuries and tragic loss of life and property. The cumulative effects of these exposures can have a psychological impact. According to a survey performed by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, 85% of first responders report mental health symptoms, with one-third reporting clinical diagnoses of depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Research studies suggest the rate of PTSD among first responders may be between 15% and 30%, with about 20% of all individuals with the diagnosis of PTSD having a co-occurring substance use disorder.
  • Authorize the City Manager to enter into a professional contract with Streetsense Ca LLC. The City of Pasadena’s Economic Development Division sought qualified consultants to assist in developing a strategic plan to guide the Division’s vision-setting, priorities, programs, and services. Economic development strategic planning is critical to shaping a vibrant and economically competitive environment. The selected consultant will work closely with the Division to convene and engage stakeholders, facilitate discussion around visioning, goal setting, prioritization, leveraging strengths and proactively addressing challenges to foster a thriving local economy. The consultant will provide in-depth market analyses, and examinations of existing conditions, undervalued assets, and complex community challenges. The consultant will also analyze the portfolio of City-owned real estate, including opportunity sites and the impact of City-owned space leased by Pasadena’s longstanding non-profit community partners. This process will inform high-level strategies as well as specific recommended actions in a public-facing action plan document. 
  • A $96,900 contract award to FS Contractors Inc. for Oak Grove Disc Golf Course improvements project for an amendment to the FY 2024 Capital Improvement Program budget. This project provides for modifications to the existing course layout in HWP to enhance safe play. The scope of work includes reducing the number of holes from 24 to 18 to minimize impacts to the oak woodland areas, and providing better circulation throughout the course to create less interference with other recreational users. Approximately nine new tee pads will be constructed or replaced and eleven benches will be installed next to tee areas where there are none. The scope of the project was developed in collaboration with the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services (PRCS) Department and members of the Oak Grove Disc Golf Course Club. On March 28, staff presented the concept design to Hahamongna Watershed Park Advisory Committee (HWPAC) and it was unanimously supported.
  • Authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) to receive a $164,181 of the Sustainable Communities Program for the Enhancements to Metro L Line Allen Station and execute any subsequent agreements regarding this grant award and amend the Fiscal Year 2024 Capital Improvement Program Budget by appropriating $164,181 in 2018 Sustainable Communities Program Grant to the Enhancements to Metro L Line Allen Station project. As part of the FY 2018 Capital Improvement Program, City Council approved funding to the Enhancements to Metro L Line Allen Station (75514) project for a concept study of Allen Avenue between Villa Street and Colorado Boulevard to enhance pedestrian and bicycle access to the Metro (Gold/L) Line Allen Station. The Allen Avenue project corridor contains residential and commercial uses. Within this corridor, there will be spaces allocated for housing as well as for businesses and commercial activities. It is a mixed-use development that aims to· provide a blend of residential and commercial amenities in the designated areas along Allen Avenue.
  • A resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2024 general fee schedule. The City Council adopted the Fiscal Year 2024 General Fee Schedule on June 5, 2023. While the General Fee Schedule is typically reviewed and updated annually, revisions are made periodically throughout the year as needed. The Finance Department is proposing to increase by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), nine (9) existing Fire Department fees that were inadvertently omitted from CPI increase during the June adoption process. The CPI for All Urban Consumers in the Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Anaheim metropolitan areas increased by 5.0989% between March 1, 2022 and March 1 of this year.
  •  Amend the Fire Department’s Fiscal Year 2024 Adopted Operating Budget as detailed in the following report by increasing revenues by $4,036,724 and appropriations by $3,786,400. Throughout the fiscal year, budgetary adjustments are necessary to account for unanticipated changes to the adopted budget. These revenue and appropriation amendments are presented to the City Council for consideration. 
  • Authorize the City Manager to amend an agreement with Southern California Public Power Authority, a Joint Powers Authority of which Pasadena Water and Power is a member,·increasing the total not-to-exceed amount by $700,000, from $300,000 to $1,000,000 for renewable resource options.  On May 23, 2006, PWP and other SCPPA members entered into a joint Renewable Development Agreement (“RDA”) with SCPPA as an initial step of the renewable energy feasibility assessment referenced in the November 1, 1980 JPA. The 2006 RDA represented an early effort to gain an understanding of the renewables landscape and focused largely on acquisition opportunities, transmission requirements, and member RPS goals. A second RDA, which is still in effect, was executed on July 18, 2012 and represents Phase 2 of the Study Project, applying the exploratory work of the first phase to renewable energy development and acquisition. PWP participates in Phase 2, which was approved by the City Council on September 24, 2012, and recorded as City Agreement 21,193 with a spending cap of $300,000. Benefits of Partnering with SCPPA and Member Utilities Partnering with other SCPPA members allows PWP to participate through SCPPA in a more diverse breadth of renewable projects in a more cost-effective manner, while also leveraging economies of scale. One of PWP’s renewable procurement strategies relies upon securing a diverse portfolio of long-term contracts, which will assist in reducing overall portfolio project development risks.

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