The city’s overnight parking grace period, previously set to resume Tuesday, has been extended until Oct. 1.
Local residents will continue to receive warnings for violating the city’s overnight parking and daytime street sweeping ordinances until that date when citations will resume.
The City Council suspended enforcement of the overnight parking ordinance, as well as time limits in residential neighborhoods, street sweeping restrictions, and payment at all curbside parking spaces at the start of the pandemic.
Metered parking spaces were temporarily converted to 20-minute parking to facilitate delivery and pickup of food from restaurants. In addition, the “booting” of vehicle wheels, impounds, and noncritical vehicle impounds were also suspended.
Since March 17, the city has received more than 300 requests for parking enforcement and Public Works has received more than 100 requests for street sweeping through the Citizen Service Center (CSC) during that same time period, the report states.
“The parking division has received additional requests for enforcement for both parking enforcement and street sweeping via phone and email that are not recorded and reflected in the CSC numbers,” according to a city staff report included in a City Council agenda earlier this month.
As part of the vote to restart enforcement, the council also approved the development of other parking programs as listed below.
Sale of emergency COVID-19 overnight parking permits that would allow vehicles not otherwise qualified per section 10.44.20 of the Pasadena Municipal Code to park on the street. Permits will be valid for 90-day increments and can be renewed until the end of the city’s safer at home order. The fee for this permit will be tied to General Fee Schedule Fee 804 – Thirty Day Parking Permit, and will sell for $73.38 per 90-day period. Per Section 10.42.060(C) of the Pasadena Municipal Code, a two permit limit per address would remain in place.
Creation of a low-income fee waiver program for overnight parking permits. Individuals may qualify by meeting criteria set forth in subdivision (b) of Section 68632 of the California Government Code, which includes individuals receiving public benefits under certain programs. Individuals determined to be eligible for the low-income fee waiver program will receive a 50 percent discount on Annual Overnight and Temporary 90-Day Overnight permits.
Resumption of non-critical vehicle impounds and booting, including for vehicles with five or more past due parking citations, and for vehicles with expired registrations, effective in November.