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Construction on Two-Way Protected Union Street Bikeway To Begin

Published on Monday, June 20, 2022 | 5:00 am

Construction work on the Union Street Two-Way Protected Bikeway Project, also called the Union Street Cycle Track Project, could begin by Monday, June 20, the Departments of Public Works and of Transportation jointly announced Thursday.

The project, initiated by the Transportation Department, will provide for a 1.5-mile protected bicycle lane along Union Street from Hill Ave. to Arroyo Parkway as an alternative mode of travel connecting Metro Gold Line stations to major institutions and employment centers.

The project also includes a 0.3-mile bicycle boulevard along Holliston Ave. from Union Street to Cordova Street.

Union Street is currently a one-way westbound roadway with three travel lanes. One of the travel lanes will be repurposed for the installation of a protected two-way bicycle facility on the south side of Union Street, with raised islands, bollards and traffic signals separating bicyclists from vehicular travel movement.

The project also includes enhancements at intersections for safe interaction between all modes of travel, including pedestrians and bicyclists. Fourteen existing signalized intersections will have pedestrian and bicycle improvements, and six new traffic signals will be installed. Installation will include traffic signal equipment, conduits, conductors, fiber optic communications, ADA curb ramps, audible pedestrian push buttons, pavement resurfacing, curb and gutter repairs, striping and signage.

The project’s construction contract was awarded to California Professional Engineering, Inc. on March 14.

In a memorandum to Interim City Manager Cynthia Kurtz, Public Works Director Tony Olmos and Transportation Director Laura Rubio-Cornejo said construction is anticipated to be completed by spring 2023.

City staff have been working closely with area business owners to ensure access to all businesses, and have been collaborating with the community to ensure accessibility issues are addressed, the memorandum said.

The Department of Public Works will continue to manage the construction activity in order to minimize impacts to the general public and properties along the project, while ensuring the long-awaited project is delivered on time.

City staff are coordinating with the contractor on construction phasing, traffic control, parking impacts, business and resident access during the various phases of construction and will be providing pertinent information about the project along with timely construction updates. This information will continue to be updated on the project webpage,

Funding for the project comes from an approximately $32 million allocation by the California Transportation Commission to Los Angeles County transportation projects. Throughout the state, the CTC set aside a total of $1.18 billion for projects to fix and improve transportation infrastructure.

Specifically, the Union Street Cycle Track Project in Pasadena received about $5.6 million.

For any specific concerns or inquiries during construction, the public may contact Elvin Jiang, Public Works Engineer at (626) 744-7103, or by email at

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