Construction of curb extensions on all four corners of the Colorado Boulevard. and Fair Oaks Avenue intersection in Pasadena is expected to begin Monday, March 7, the Department of Public Works said in a construction notice for the public.
The notice said businesses located on the intersection will remain open during the construction period, which is expected to last up to May 27.
The contractor, Calpromax Engineering, will install K-rails, construction fencing, traffic control devices, and “business open” signs to guide both vehicular and pedestrian traffic – including pedestrian crossing and shopping – at and around the affected work area.
The work is part of the Pedestrian Safety Enhancement program in Pasadena, a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) project which consists of the construction of curb extensions at intersections, along with associated miscellaneous concrete work such as sidewalk widening, signal modifications, asphalt pavement overlay, utility adjustments and striping, and installation of new scramble crosswalks with stamped asphalt concrete.
The notice said the proposed improvements will take place one corner of the intersection at a time, starting with curb extension work at the northeast corner on Monday. Once that side of the corner is complete, the contractor will move to the southeast corner.
After those two corners are complete, the contractor will mobilize over to the southwest corner, in front of Cheesecake Factory, and then complete the curb extension work at the northwest side.
“Business ingress and egress will be provided during the course of construction. Shoppers will have at least a four-foot width path of travel to the stores of their choice,” the notice said. “We apologize for any construction noise during the construction hours and appreciate your understanding and patience for any inconveniences the construction may have caused.”
Construction hours are from midnight to 8 a.m. Monday through Friday, except for the demolition work – removal of sidewalk panels and asphalt concrete – which will be between 6 and 11 a.m.
Members of the public who have questions or concerns about the project or the construction work are advised to contact James Tong, City Project Manager, at (626) 744-3971, between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
In case of an after-hours emergency, call Emergency Services at (626) 744-4241 or Buu Luu, City Construction Manager, at (626) 348-9944, or Ed Gonzalez, City Project Inspector, at (818) 297-9972.
2 thoughts on “Construction Starts Monday on Pedestrian Safety Enhancement at Colorado Boulevard and Fair Oaks Avenue”
Another idiot move by idiots . But then to call them idiots is an insult to idiots . This will only cause more traffic delays but then an idiot could see that !
I see a bad traffic spot intentionally being made worse. This will not entice me to spend more time in Old Pasadena but to avoid this intersection even more vigorously.