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Council Is Dark; Charter Reform Could Come Back July 8

Published on Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 12:52 pm

There is no City Council meeting on Monday, but when the City Council returns Charter reform will once again be front and center.

The City Council is scheduled to discuss once again potential Charter Reform issues that could appear on the November ballot.

The Council is scheduled to hold a review of Task Force recommendations at the meeting.

There are some big issues to review.

The task force recommends that the Mayor and City Council be allowed to serve three four-year terms and then step down for two terms. After that, elected officials would be able to once again seek the office they previously held.

The task force also recommended that campaign contributions be limited to $1,000 per person or entity for Council races and $2,500 for mayoral races, contingent on the City Attorney’s Office establishing an enforcement framework.

On vacancies, the task force is recommending that Council vacancies with less than two years remaining on the term be filled by appointment within 75 days. Applicants must live in the District for six months.

If there are two years left before the next election in the District where a seat becomes vacant or the City Council fails to make an appointment within the 75-day limit a special election would be held.

The process would be established by ordinance the details and process for Council District vacancy appointments, including a process for robust public outreach and engagement.

If the Mayor’s seat becomes vacant, a Mayor Pro Tempore would be selected from among the Council to assume mayoral duties until the next general election.

The City’s Vice Mayor would be elected annually by the Council to serve a one-year term and exercise the Mayor’s duties during absences. The Task Force also said the Vice Mayor selection process consider seniority and the benefit of rotation of the role.

At the July 8 meeting, the City Council could direct City staff to prepare one or more ballot measure questions, schedule further discussion by the City Council, refer the matter to a Council committee for review and recommendation prior to the July 22 City Council meeting or provide alternate direction at the July 22 meeting.

City staff is scheduled to consider election resolutions to submit ballot measures, including any Charter Amendment measures approved by City Council, to Pasadena voters for their consideration.

The City Council must act by Aug. 9 to place measures on the ballot.

The City Council does not have to accept the task force recommendations and could place additional measures on the ballot.

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