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County Reports 991 COVID-19 Cases While Pasadena Reports 11 Cases And No Deaths

Published on Monday, September 21, 2020 | 3:00 am

County health officials confirmed 23 new deaths and 991 new coronavirus cases on Sunday.

To date, Public Health has identified 260,797 positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of L.A. County and confirmed a total of 6,353 deaths. 

Those numbers do not include Pasadena which reported 11 new cases on Sunday and no deaths. So far, 2,522 cases have been reported and 121 deaths locally. 

“Through these difficult times, we mourn with all of you who have lost someone you love to COVID-19. We are deeply sorry for your loss, and wish you healing and peace,” said county Director of Public Health Barbara Ferrer. “As we prepare for the fall, we must acknowledge that COVID-19 remains a significant threat. The difference between now and the early months of the pandemic is that we have a much better idea of how to effectively protect each other from becoming infected.”

The lower numbers reported on Sunday are likely to represent a weekend lag in reporting cases and deaths.

There are currently 765 people hospitalized, of which 30 percent are confirmed cases in intensive care units. Upon further investigation, 11 cases reported earlier were not L.A. County residents.

Of the new cases reported today, 69 percent are people under the age of 50. Residents between the ages of 30 and 49 have the highest number of new cases among all age groups in LA County, representing 34 percent of new cases today.

As a reminder, being around people who aren’t part of your household puts you at a greater risk for COVID-19, which is why it is so important to stay at home as much as possible and avoid all gatherings of any size with people who are not part of your household.

Testing results are available for 2,542,479 individuals with 10 percent of all people testing positive.

 “Given the reality that as many as 50 percent of those infected are able to transmit the virus to others may have no symptoms, taking universal precautions in every interaction with others who are not in your household is absolutely essential,” Ferrer said. 

“We need to commit to the behaviors we know will reduce our infection rate and slow the spread of the virus: wearing face coverings, avoiding gatherings with people we don’t live with, washing our hands frequently, and keeping a physical distance from others. These are effective tools that, when used consistently, save lives.”

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