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Day One’s Project ‘Sticker Shock’ Targets Super Bowl Weekend

Published on Friday, January 31, 2020 | 2:51 pm

With Super Bowl Sunday here fans are flocking to their local liquor stores to stock up on their favorites.

According to Alcohol Justice, Americans consume about 325.5 million gallons of beer on Super Bowl Sunday. Having more than usual around the house increases the chances of it falling into the hands of youth. To help prevent this, Pasadena nonprofit Day One has partnered with liquor stores throughout Pasadena and Altadena to participate in Project Sticker Shock.

The project is a youth-led initiative to reduce underage drinking, promote safe drinking practices, and target individuals who legally purchase alcohol and might provide them to minors.

Day One youth worked closely with retail partners to place “warning” stickers on alcohol multi-packs. These stickers remind shoppers that it is illegal to purchase or provide alcohol to anyone under the age of 21, and reminds them of the penalties they face if they provide alcohol to minors – 6-12 months in jail and/or a $1000 fine.

Thanks to Day One’s participating retailers a total of 1,605 of stickers have been placed throughout a number of local stores, including:

• Showcase Wine & Spirits
• A-1 Liquor
• Latin American Market
• Lake Avenue Market
• Bo’s Altadena Market
• George’s Liquor
• Grocery Outlet

Day One Pasadena is located at 175 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena, (626) 229-9750. For more visit






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