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Demonstrations Continue at Pasadena City College as Faculty, District Administrators Meet About Campus Safety

Faculty continues to protest face-to-face teaching, calling it ‘dangerous’

Published on Saturday, January 29, 2022 | 6:47 am


Pasadena City College faculty opposing the college’s return to in-person teaching last Monday met administrators on Friday seeking tighter safety protocols which could allow teachers to return to “remote” teaching, but said they were rebuffed.

The PCC Faculty Association said in a statement its representatives asked for the implementation of “triggers” for a return to remote teaching based on specific numbers and percentages for safety. The Association also asked for other new safety protocols.

The Association reported no consensus was reached.

PCC’s administrators point to the Spring Semester Return to Campus Agreement signed by the Association on December 30 as governing last Monday’s return to campus. That Agreement says faculty agrees to be assigned by the District to work in any modality on campus or other assigned location.

But the Agreement also says the teachers agreed only “so long as it is conducive to the discharge of their responsibilities safely.” 

The Faculty association maintains the campus is not safe from COVID-19.

“We feel it’s too dangerous to return at the moment,” said Michelle Michaelson, an assistant professor at Pasadena City College. “Students should be safer at home and they can be. We’ve been teaching at home for two years.”

Michaelson also took issue with the campus testing process this week, calling the process “chaotic.” She said that as a result, the faculty could not trust the testing results and that some faculty members have had to cancel classes because of late testing results.

Special Assistant to the Superintendent/President Alex Boekelheide acknowledged Thursday that  “testing did not live up to expectations on Monday. Tuesday we shifted to all walk-up testing at two locations on the Colorado Campus, plus two more on our satellite campuses, and things have been going much more smoothly.”

“As time goes on we expect to settle into a more predictable routine,” Boekelheide said.

With mandatory vaccines, mandatory masking in all places, and the testing regimen, we have gone above and beyond the public health requirements. Testing continues through the weekend and all next week, until further notice.” 

Meanwhile, the PCC Faculty Association announced it hold a special meeting on Sunday, January 23, at 5 p.m.

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One thought on “Demonstrations Continue at Pasadena City College as Faculty, District Administrators Meet About Campus Safety

  • Don’t they realize they could get hit by a car standing next to the street?! Or have a palm frond land on them while so close to that palm tree behind them?!



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