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Donation/Pickup Site to Close Down

Published on Sunday, January 12, 2025 | 1:37 pm

The John Muir Alumni Association announced on Sunday they are closing down donation dropoff/pickup site on Sunday. 

The site received lots of donations, according to Muir alumnus Jill Hawkins.

However, a lot of the stuff was not given out.

People picked up toothbrushes and diapers, but since people don’t know where they are going they didn’t take other items. 

Items will be placed in storage while the group decides its next move. 

“We’re seeing that a lot of people that need things are not here,” Hawkins said. “It’s going to be a long-term effort. We are going to have to figure donations down the road. People are going to need some stuff.”

The group also considering holding meetups so local residents can figure out insurance, rebuilding and construction matters.\

To donate, click here

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