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Foothill Family to Host Annual ‘Pass the Hat’ Fundraiser

Philanthropist Priscilla Hunt to be honored at 'Tip Your Cap & Pass the Hat' event

Published on Friday, September 20, 2024 | 4:35 am

Foothill Family, a nonprofit organization founded in Pasadena in 1926, will host its annual “Foothill Family Tip Your Cap & Pass the Hat” fundraiser on Oct. 16, at the NOOR 300 East Colorado Boulevard #200. The event is free and open to the public, and will honor business leader and philanthropist Priscilla Hunt.

The fundraiser, with doors opening at 11:30 a.m., continues the legacy of Foothill Family’s founder, Josephine Marsh. Marsh, who became the organization’s first director, initially “passed the hat” to assist neighbors in need.

The event features two traditions: “passing the hat” to raise funds through team competitions, and “tipping our caps” to honor gracious community leaders for their service to Foothill Family. Attendees will enjoy testimonials, live music, and networking opportunities.

Client testimonials are a highlight of the event. Attendees will hear from community members who have received services and achieved success in their relationships. The program will also include updates from clients who have spoken at previous events.

Foothill Family emphasizes that contributions directly impact children and families in the community. Those unable to attend can still support by donating through team captains or joining a team on the website at

The “Pass the Hat Challenge” aims to raise funds for expanding services to meet growing community needs. Early donations are encouraged to give teams an initial boost and inspire support from others.

Event organizers invite “anyone and everyone you know” to attend. For more information or to donate, interested parties can email Foothill Family will provide resources for team members to use while inviting others to participate.

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