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Cultural Heritage

Friday’s ArtNight Pasadena Fills City with Artful Shuttlers

Pasadena's 'Art Night' fills the city with culture

Published on Monday, March 13, 2017 | 5:46 am

Thousands of Pasadenans jammed dozens of shuttle buses throughout Pasadena Friday evening for the city’s Art Night.

From lit vines in a garden to walking “live floats” to poetry in a parking garage, there was art and culture across the city, from Orange Grove to Sierra Madre.

Live music entertained shuttle riders at City Hall and Motown music rang out at Paseo Colorado. In all, 17 separate installations and venues opened their doors on Friday, and the streets and sidewalks were jammed with connoisseurs and cognoscenti.

The evening was produced by the City’s Department of Cultural Affairs, the Department of Transportation, Transit Division, Metro, and the Pasadena Center Operating Company, with the help of numerous media sponsors, including Pasadena Now.

If you missed it, here are some photos to whet your appetite for the next one.

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