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Guest Essay | Miguel Márquez: A Message From the City Manager

Published on Sunday, November 24, 2024 | 5:34 am

[Editor’s note: This essay originally appeared in the City Manager’s newsletter on Thursday, November 21]

Over the past couple of weeks, several people have come to me with concerns over whether the change in federal administration will lead to significant disruptions in our city and to our lives. They have expressed this concern because of the numerous reports they have seen from the new administration threatening to deport millions of people throughout the country. Questions have been raised over what actions the City might take if that threat were undertaken here in Pasadena.

While it is too early to respond, as no specific actions have been taken, City staff are closely monitoring the situation and will seek policy guidance from the City Council if circumstances warrant. In the meantime, as Pasadena’s City Manager, my role is to inform the community of adopted City Council policy and to dutifully implement that policy.

In 2017, after much study, dialog, and thoughtful deliberation, the City Council adopted Resolution Number 9447 by a unanimous vote. That Resolution is entitled, “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Pasadena, California Enhancing Safety, Refuge and Equal Opportunity for All.” A complete copy of the Resolution, Agenda Report, and supporting material can be found at this link:

Resolution Number 9447

Resolution 9447 included statements of policy and gave specific direction for its implementation. The Resolution affirmed, among other things, that the City is not the enforcer of immigration laws. And, as directed by the City Council, then-City Manager Steve Mermell adopted a binding personnel policy that states that City employees must maintain the confidentiality of resident’s personal information (especially regarding immigration status, religion, sexual orientation, and ethnicity), provide services without discrimination, and are prohibited from assisting in federal immigration enforcement unless legally required to do so. I affirm that administrative policy today.

As part of Pasadena’s ongoing commitment to fostering an inclusive and safe community, it is essential that all of our residents feel welcomed, supported, and protected. Pasadena has a rich history of embracing diversity. Immigrants play a vital role in shaping our city’s cultural, social, and economic fabric. In alignment with our long-standing values, the City Council’s adopted Resolution affirmed our collective dedication to ensuring that every resident, regardless of their background and status, has access to the essential municipal services they need. The safety and wellbeing of all Pasadena residents is primary. We must continue to focus on maintaining trust between our wonderfully diverse communities, ensuring local resources are dedicated to local concerns, and ensuring that the safety and privacy of all residents continues to be protected.

Together, we are One Pasadena.

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