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Guest Opinion | PCC Board President Sandra Chen Lau: Standing Up For Good Governance

Published on Sunday, April 23, 2023 | 8:11 am

As Pasadena City College’s board president, I feel compelled to respond to allegations made by PCC Management Association against the new board members and me, which are false and misleading. Further, it’s alarming to find former PCC Trustees and former and current PCC Foundation board members repeating these allegations as if they were facts. 

Fact One: PCC is accredited through 2028.  There are no issues with PCC’s accreditation,

Fact Two:  Hiring a Board Counsel to advise the Board is common practice for K-12 and community college districts.  Many districts have both Board Counsel to advise the board and counsels who work on other issues of the college.  Given the recent complex legal cases that came before the board- which were to correct past mistakes, Board Counsel was brought in to provide subject matter expertise and legal guidance to the Board.  To do so otherwise, would be irresponsible and unfair to all parties. 

Fact Three:  Completion of Excellence in Community College Trustees Training is not a requirement for board service.  It is an optional program by Community College League of California (CCLC).  In fact, there are numerous trainings both local and statewide.  Board members and I have participated in online seminars and attended meetings through the Los Angeles County School Trustees Association and Association of Governing Boards.  In addition, the Board has retained the former Chancellor of the CA Community Colleges to conduct customized board trainings for the new PCC board.  In the past eight months, the Board has had three full day trainings with Dr. Brice Harris.   On a personal note, as a working mother, I highly suggest child care be provided at CCLC trainings.  It could be a barrier to participation, as I have experienced.  

Fact Four: The Management Association is a group (non-union) of 78 managers and directors representing about five percent of PCC’s 1,500 faculty and staff, not to mention PCC’s 20,000 students.  Nevertheless, we take their concerns seriously and have met with MA to hear and discuss their concerns.  The Board has continued to receive support and encouragement from faculty, staff, and students.   

Fact Five: Though this may be a subtle change.  There is a generational, racial, and ethnic shift in leadership across Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley.  The uncomfortable truth is that the accusations and threats are directed at the Asian and Black board members.  As the board president, it is my responsibility and obligation to address and report insults and threats, which create a hostile and unsafe environment for the Board.  Too often, people of color and women, and in this case, women of color and Asians, are expected to endure the intimidation and aggression.  These harsh attacks are a disservice to the multigenerational and multicultural collaborations and serve no one’s interests, especially PCC.  

The current composition of the board is a signal of the voters’ desire for change.  We continue to be committed to working with all stakeholders at PCC and in our communities.  

Sandra Chen Lau 
Board President, Pasadena Area Community College District Board
Governing Board Member, Pasadena Area Community College District- Area 1 (La Canada and West Pasadena)

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