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How to Maximize Your Vehicle’s Fuel Economy?

Published on Monday, March 21, 2016 | 1:35 pm

If you want to improve your car’s fuel economy think about maintenance – cars run their best and consume less fuel when they are well maintained. Regularly checking your tires, being cautious about the weight of your car and driving moderately can really spare your wallet!

Keep your vehicle well tuned. Simple maintenance such as regular oil changes, air-filter changes, and spark plug replacements will lengthen the life of your vehicle as well as improve fuel economy and minimize emissions. Just follow the schedule in your owner’s manual.

Remember to regularly check your tires – keeping your tires properly inflated and aligned saves fuel by reducing the amount of drag your engine must overcome. Make sure to get a set of low rolling resistance (LRR) tires. Tires that reduce rolling resistance by 10 % can improve gas mileage by 1 or 2 % for most passenger vehicles.

Don’t carry around items you don’t need and be cautious about the weight of your car. For every 100 pounds of weight in your vehicle, fuel economy decreases by 1 to 2 %. Also, reduce drag by putting bulky items inside the vehicle or trunk instead of on a roof rack.

And finally, drive moderately. Don’t speed up at the green light because high-speed driving and jack-rabbit starts increase both fuel use and emissions. Going 65 mph on the highway instead of 75 can cut your fuel use up to 20%, and making more gradual stops and starts will bring even more savings.

If you would like to know more about how to make your car the most efficient, visit JK Volvo, which is located at 1587 East Walnut in Pasadena. You can reach JK Volvo at (626) 792-2240 or visit


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