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Laureen Nadhira-Nayo Selected as PUSD Teacher of the Year

Ms. Nadirah-Nayo teaches seventh and eighth grade math and life science at Norma Coombs, and has been a teacher for 12 years

Published on Friday, October 2, 2009 | 2:55 pm

The Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) announced the selection of Laureen Nadhira-Nayo as the District Teacher of the Year.  Ms. Nadhira-Nayo was honored as an “ambassador for education” by County Superintendent Darline Robles and the Los Angeles County Board of Education at the annual awards ceremony sponsored by the County Office of Education.

“I congratulate Ms. Nadirah-Nayo for receiving this well-deserved award,” said Vanessa Watkins, Principal of Norma Coombs Alternative School.  “She is a born teacher with integrity who has an absolute love for teaching, learning and students.”

Ms. Nadirah-Nayo teaches seventh and eighth grade math and life science at Norma Coombs, and has been a teacher for 12 years.  Aware that her students are in a difficult transitional time in their lives, she strives to make her classroom a safe and engaging learning environment, where making mistakes and asking questions will not result in social or academic “death.” 

Ms. Nadhira-Nayo was nominated by her colleagues at various schools, and selected to represent PUSD in the Los Angeles County Teachers of the Year program.  She was one of only 66 teachers county-wide to receive this honor. 

The Teachers of the Year Program is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious recognition program to focus public attention on excellence in teaching.  The California Teachers of the Year program, which began in 1972, is part of a national program sponsored by the Council of Chief State School Officers.

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