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Local Resident, Businessman Waleed Delawari Teams with Pasadena Police to Create Public Safety Video

Published on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 | 12:12 pm

Local resident and business owner Waleed Delawari of Delawari Financial recently produced a public service video in conjunction with Pasadena Chief of Police Phillip L. Sanchez on how people in Pasadena can support the Police Dept.’s holiday “See Something, Say Something” safety program.

Delawari, who lives in Altadena with his wife and children, said he was motivated to fund the project himself to help keep the city safe during the busy Rose Parade season.

“I wanted to help in the best way I can,” Delawari said. “With a successful business here, and kids in school here, I wanted to contribute to Pasadena’s growth and security.”

In the video, Chief Sanchez explains the important role each resident of Pasadena and visitor to the city can play in keeping the city safe.

“The Pasadena Police Department’s ‘See Something, Say Something’ campaign harnesses the public’s awareness about public safety, local domestic terrorism, and about the issues associated with these kinds of attacks. Collectively, we will continue to provide safe and enjoyable events in the City of Pasadena,” Sanchez said.


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