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Moms Rally at Memorial Park to Support Nationwide ‘Not My Presidents Day’ March

Published on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 | 6:30 am

A small group of concerned mothers and their school-aged children gathered at Memorial Park Monday with colorful signs in hand that expressed their resistance to Trump Administration’s policies.

The modest gathering was described as a “sister” rally to the exponentially larger “Not My Presidents Day” march that occurred in cities nation-wide that included nearby Los Angeles.

“We are here to show that it’s not just the fringe and urban people who are out making trouble who are resisting. This is everyone. These are suburban moms and just regular everyday people who really don’t believe in what’s happening in the [Trump] Administration right now and it’s really hurting a lot of us,” said rally organizer and mother of three Jenna Karvunidis.

According to Karvunidis, she is most concerned with the future of public school education.

“It’s not just Trump. We’re not here to make fun of his hair. We’re not here to target that. We are here to talk about what’s really happening to the people here with these policies that are going in place,” Karvunidis explained.

Karvunidis was accompanied by friends and several young children that included three of her own ranging from ages three to eight.

“I’d like to show my children that you do have a right to speak out against something that’s unfair,” said Karvunidis.

“All politics are local,” Karvunidis added. “It may just be a few of us out here today really showing what we’re trying to do, but change has to start somewhere. It starts with me and what I’m doing today to better my children. If that can catch on and other people can follow suit then maybe we can get somewhere.”

Karvunidis plans to hold another rally on April 18, otherwise known as “Tax Day”.

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