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National Congress of Black Women Hosts Anti-Human Trafficking Awareness Event for Youth

Published on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 | 1:46 pm

On Sunday, May 31, 2015, at Loma Alta Park in Altadena, the National Congress of Black Women, Inc., San Gabriel Valley Youth Chapter, took the lead by hosting an Anti-Human Trafficking awareness event featuring Rachel Thomas of Sowers Education Group and Angelic Gomez, both human trafficking survivors.

It is estimated that each year, hundreds of thousands of persons are forced into slavery, but the numbers are not exact as many victims go unreported and many survivors fail to report the crime out of fear of retaliation or shame. As human trafficking continues to affect our communities at a growing rate, education awareness is the key to prevention.

The event was well attended by parents, youth members of private and public schools within Pasadena/Altadena and the surrounding areas. The youth are committing to bring awareness to this critical issue by sharing their education awareness with their friends, families and communities for the safety of all.

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