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New Trees Planted Along 2 City Streets on California Clean Air Day

Published on Thursday, October 13, 2022 | 5:13 pm

[Images courtesy of City of Pasadena]
The City of Pasadena’s Department of Public Works teamed with the Pasadena Audubon Society, local retailer My Zero Waste Store, and Council District 3 staff to plant 15 new street trees in District 3 on October 5 in celebration of California Clean Air Day.

Eleven Western Redbud and four Coast Live Oak trees were planted along Cypress Avenue and Orange Grove Boulevard. Both Western Redbud and Coast Live Oak trees are California native tree species that provide a host of ecological value, including drought tolerance and habitat value for birds and insects.

Staff from the Department’s Forestry section along with local volunteers planted the trees, backfilled the planting sites, and constructed tree wells to retain water better during the tree’s establishment period.

Council District 3’s Susana Porras and other staffers also pitched in and planted trees.

The Pasadena Audubon Society and My Zero Waste Store both received small grants from California Clean Air Day, which were used to purchase the new street trees.

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