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Osawa Celebrates (Gratefully and Politely) Second Anniversary Serving Pasadena

Serving sushi and sake to a packed house, Osawa’s owner thanks the city for their years of patronage

Published on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 | 2:55 pm

Last night, Osawa Shabushabu Sushi celebrated their second year of business in Pasadena with a packed house filled with friends and fans.

The party felt almost like a family affair—friends greeted owner Sayuri Tachibe and her husband with warm hugs, babies were bounced and passed between family, and sake was served from a huge vat to smiling party-goers.

On the bar laid the spoils: fried chicken, fresh oysters by the dozen on a bed of ice, seafood salads, steak carpaccio, and a constant supply of sushi rolls. Throughout the evening, new dishes appeared and an array of trendy, vegan desserts provided a strong finish for the evening.

When asked about why she started her restaurant, Tachibe replied, “We want to serve authentic Japanese food and give authentic Japanese hospitality.”

“I’m so happy to be in Pasadena with such nice neighbors!” she continued as she bowed gratefully to guests who walked by.

In addition to the food be quite good, the evening felt good. Congratulations to Osawa on their anniversary and here’s to many more!

Osawa Shabushabu Sushi is located at 77 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena. For more information, call (626) 683-1150 or visit



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