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Paparian Announces Endorsements

Published on Monday, February 27, 2023 | 4:00 am

Former Mayor Bill Paparian announced his slate of endorsements for the 2024 races.

Paparian is endorsing Congresswoman Barbara Lee for US Senate, Assemblymember Laura Friedman for Congress, Alhambra Mayor Sasha Renee Perez for state senate and Pasadena Police Lt. Phlunte Riddle for Assembly. 

“As a former public office holder, I take a somewhat different approach than others when evaluating a political candidate,” Paparian told Pasadena Now. “Before examining the issues or sorting through the promises, I dig into the candidate’s background. I want to know everything I can about his or her formative years, in particular the values that were instilled from an early age. Those values support core beliefs and shape behavior, especially in those unguarded moments picked up by a live mic or cellphone video. In each of the endorsements I have made I found the one quality that I have always found to be the most compelling — authenticity.”

Paparian’s endorsements come as an already hot election season continues to heat up. 

Last week former Mayor Terry Tornek endorsed former Sierra Madre Mayor and Pasadena resident John Harabedian for State Senate. 

Harabedian is running in the open-seat race for Senate District 25 currently held by Anthony Portantino.

He is facing Perez and Crescenta Valley Town Council Member Elizabeth Ahler. 

State and congressional elections have attracted more interest than usual due to more open seats.

Congressman Adam Schiff announced his decision to seek the seat held by Dianne Feinstein, leaving the California District 30 seat open. 

Schiff is locked in a tight race with fellow Democrat Katie Porter.

Portantino, who cannot run for reelection in the state senate due to term limits, is seeking Schiff’s seat along with Friedman, Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer, Los Angeles Unified School Board member Nick Melvoin, Laura Friedman, Joshua Bocanegra, Maebe A. Girl and Ben Savage have announced plans to run also.

Assemblymember Chris Holden also will not be eligible for re-election leaving those seats vacant. Holden has announced plans to challenge Kathryn Barger for her seat on the LA County Board of Supervisors. 

Riddle and Councilmember Felicia Williams are running for the assembly seat. Williams will be forced to vacate her council seat in District 2. 

Here, said Paparian, are his endorsements:

U.S. Senate:
Congresswoman Barbara Lee

U.S. Congress:
Assemblymember Laura Freidman

State Senate:
Alhambra Councilmember Sasha Renee Perez

State Assembly:
Dr. Phlunte Riddle

L.A. County Supervisor:
Supervisor Kathryn Barger

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