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Pasadena Approves Emergency Services Dispatch Agreement With West Covina

City Council authorizes contract to provide emergency communications for neighboring fire department

Published on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 | 4:56 am

As part of Monday’s consent calendar, the Pasadena City Council approved a contract for the Verdugo Fire Communications Center to provide dispatch services for the West Covina Fire Department.

The agreement allows the tri-city-operated dispatch center, jointly owned by Pasadena, Glendale, and Burbank, to take over 911 calls for West Covina’s fire services.

Pasadena Fire Chief Chad Augustin said the contract came about after West Covina Fire made an urgent request in early February, due to staffing challenges.

“Historically, their dispatching had been handled by their law enforcement partners,” Augustin said. “West Covina Fire was notified that they needed to immediately find a new dispatch center.”

The Verdugo center typically requires 4 to 6 months to onboard a new agency for 911 dispatching.

However, given the urgency of West Covina’s situation, Augustin said it was an “all hands on deck” approach to ensure no interruption in emergency services.

Daily briefings were held among leadership from all four cities to agree on the contract framework, according to the fire chief.

Augustin praised the “impressive feat” by Verdugo’s technology personnel in completing necessary connections within just two weeks.

The contract allows West Covina residents to receive “the best dispatch service in the area,” while providing additional revenue to reduce costs for the tri-cities.

Under the agreement, West Covina will pay $84.14 per incident dispatched, with potential annual increases of up to 5% after the first year.

The initial two-year term begins February 16, 2024, with an option for West Covina to renew for one additional year. West Covina must provide written notice at least 180 days prior to the term’s expiration if they wish to renew.

If West Covina terminates the agreement early, they face fees of $300,000 in the first year or $150,000 in the second year.

The Verdugo center will cover $50,000 in transition costs, which West Covina must repay if they don’t renew after two years.

Augustin emphasized the fire service’s commitment to assisting neighboring communities, likening it to wildfire response where billing is handled after the emergency.

“The fire service always works together to ensure that neighboring communities have the resources they need for their emergency,” he said.

The Verdugo Fire Communications Center, established in August 1979, also provides contract services to Alhambra, Arcadia, Monrovia, Montebello, Monterey Park, San Gabriel, San Marino, Sierra Madre, South Pasadena, and the Burbank/Glendale/Pasadena Airport Authority.

Here are the other items that passed on Monday’s consent calendar. 

  •  A $500,000, five-year contract with the Alhambra Police Department for supplemental law enforcement services for special events at the Rose Bowl. In order to provide adequate law enforcement for “Special Events” within the City of Pasadena (City) and at the Rose Bowl, it is necessary to supplement the City’s police department with personnel and equipment provided by outside agencies. “Special Events” are defined as follows; events with a large number of people in attendance, such as UCLA football games, international soccer matches, Americafest, music concerts and music festivals. This contract does not bind the City to payment for events that are postponed or canceled. It is for services rendered only. Services provided by the Alhambra Police Department include the provision of supplemental traffic control and enforcement personnel, supervision, and management as indicated, as well as motor vehicles, operational, technical, and clerical support as necessary.
  • An amendment to the final two years of a contract with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for supplemental law enforcement services for special events other than New Year’s activities. 

In 2021, the City entered into a contract with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for supplemental law enforcement of Major Events. As referred to herein, “Major Events” are defined as follows; Law Enforcement services related to events with a large number of people in attendance, such as UCLA football games, international soccer matches, Americafest, music concerts and music festivals.
The Department requests City Council to authorize an amendment to a contract between the City of Pasadena and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), to provide supplemental law enforcement services for major events, not to exceed $1,000,000 per fiscal year for the final two years of the contract. 

The classification and approximate numbers of personnel provided by the LASD will be determined and mutually agreed upon, in writing, between the LASD and City prior to each event. The hours of duty performed by LASD employees will be established and agreed upon in accordance with the requested services.

Services provided by LASD include the provision of supplemental crowd control, traffic control, explosive canine and enforcement personnel, supervision, and management as indicated, as well as motor vehicles, and operational, technical, and clerical support as necessary. Staffing levels will be determined upon review of factors including, but not limited to attendance levels; anticipated traffic flow; pre and post event activities; mass transit availability; the availability of City personnel; and other factors that come to the attention of the Pasadena Police Department. 

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department provides comparable supplemental Law Enforcement personnel during major events when the police department cannot provide adequate staffing. The LASD has resources and a large quantity of personnel which allows for any potential needs that arise as a result of unforeseen circumstances. This contract does not bind the city to payment for events that are postponed or canceled. It is for services rendered.

  • A five-year $500,000, with the Monterey Park Police Department for supplemental law enforcement services for special events at the Rose Bowl. The City Council is asked to approve this contract between the City of Pasadena and City of Monterey Park’s Police Department (MPPD), to provide supplemental law enforcement services for Special Events, between the dates of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2029. The classification and approximate numbers of personnel provided by MPPD will be determined and mutually agreed upon, in writing, between MPPD and the City prior to Special Events. The hours of duty performed by MPPD employees will be established and agreed upon in accordance with the requested services. This contract does not bind the City to payment for events that are postponed or canceled. It is for services rendered only. Services provided by MPPD include the provision of supplemental traffic control and enforcement personnel, supervision, and management as indicated, as well as motor vehicles, operational, technical, and clerical support as necessary.
  • Rejection of the sole bid received on May 2, in response to the Notice Inviting Bids for the Hale Building Phase II project. Phase I of the Hale Building Interior Remodel CIP project was completed in FY 2020. The first phase focused on the remodel of the second-floor office space currently occupied by Planning and Community Development. This also included space planning to accommodate additional staff, replacement of worn finishes and furniture, painting of interior walls, and installation of new electrical and low-voltage systems. Phase II is a comprehensive model consisting of rehabilitating the interior of the Historic Permit Center including plan check counters and the reception area; remodel of the first floor back of-house office areas including five private offices, 25 workstations, and the reconstruction of a new 70-person Public Hearing Room; and remodel of the third floor to accommodate seven private offices, 17 workstation s, a conference meeting room, and a break area.
  • Amendment to a contract with MLC Constructors, Inc. to increase the contract amount by $90,758, which includes supplemental services of $70,758 and a contingency of $20,000 to provide for any necessary change orders, increasing the grand total not-to-exceed amount to $588,948 for the prefabricated storage building at Fire Station 33. On July 10, 2023, City Council authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract with MLC Constructors, Inc. for labor and materials to fabricate and install a prefabricated metal storage building at Fire Station 33 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $498,190. The scope of work for the awarded contract includes developing plans and calculations for a prefabricated building per the performance specifications provided; obtaining Building and Safety plan check approval and required City permits; fabrication, delivery, and installation of the approved building atop a new foundation; minor underground electrical work; and installation of drainage and concrete curbs During the plan check approval and construction phases, various design corrections, requests, and unforeseen site conditions have increased the project scope. As a result, a contract amendment is required to complete the revised project scope. Design changes include the installation of a code-required fire-rated wall along the east property line and a larger roll-up access door to allow for greater vehicle clearances. Unforeseen site conditions include saturated/unsuitable soil conditions requiring additional excavation and larger concrete footings to reach native soil; and the discovery of an underground decommissioned water tank requiring removal and site improvements for accessibility compliance as it resides within the path of travel.
  • An $825,000 contract with H&H Auto Parts Wholesale for General Motors brand replacement parts. The Department of Public Works, Building Systems and Fleet Management Division (BSFMD) repairs and maintains the City’s fleet of over 1,100 vehicles and equipment, including cars and trucks manufactured by General Motors. As such, it is necessary for BSFMD to purchase and stock replacement automotive parts, supplies, and related items for use in repair and maintenance on General Motors vehicles.
  • A $28,000,000 million contract with Anixter Inc., for electrical utility medium voltage cables for the Water and Power Department. PWP’s underground power sub-transmission and distribution systems deliver electricity using medium voltage cables ranging from 4kV to 35kV. These cables connect Power Receiving Stations to Distribution Substations and extend from these substations, which convert higher voltage electricity to a lower voltage suitable for local distribution, to neighborhoods and customers. The cables run through protective conduits and underground electrical vaults, which are reinforced enclosures housing electrical equipment. The cables then extend throughout the city, finally connecting to customer sen/ice panels at homes and businesses where the electricity is utilized.
  • Authorization for the City Manager to execute the recurring service Agreement with the County of Los Angeles for the City of Pasadena to provide Pasadena Dial-A-Ride services to residents in the unincorporated areas of Altadena, Kinneloa, Chapman Woods, and East San Gabriel, for the period July 1 to June 30, 2027. The current service agreement with the County expired on June 30, 2024. If this Agreement is authorized, it will include payment for service provided since June 30th. Pasadena Dial-A-Ride has continued to provide the service with the understanding that a new agreement was pending. The proposed service Agreement will enable the City to be reimbursed for the continued provision of Pasadena Dial-A-Ride services through Fiscal Year 2027 to County residents who live in the unincorporated areas of Altadena, Kinneloa, Chapman Woods and East San Gabriel. The City will continue to retain responsibility for all program activities and be compensated by the County for the actual net cost of each ride after Metro’s Sub-regional Paratransit Services program revenues and the cash fares collected are applied. The County’s share of Pasadena Dial-A-Ride ridership has been approximately 11 percent of the total Pasadena Dial-A-Ride ridership. Of the 14 revenue vehicle assignments operated daily by Pasadena Dial-A-Ride, all serve the unincorporated areas. The service is operated from 7:00 am to 8:30 pm Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 6:30 pm on Saturdays and 7:00 am to 6:30 pm on Sundays. Execution of the Agreement will enable the City to invoice the County for all services rendered during the contract period. Under this three-year contract, the County will reimburse the City for the cost of service to County residents up to a maximum of $310,000 annually in Fiscal Years 2025, 2026, and 2027 for a total cost over three years of up to $930,000. While annual reimbursement has averaged $117,143 each year per the first two years of the contract, below the $310,000, the County has retained the $310,000 maximum annual amount in their budget to allow for potential increase in Dial-A-Ride ridership.
  • Authorization for the City Manager to sign any and all agreements with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority for the Local Transit System Subcommittee Zero Emission Vehicle Call for Projects to receive $5,000,000 in grant funding for the Launching Pasadena Transit and Pasadena Dial-A-Ride’s Zero Emission Transition project; and amend the FY 2025 Capital Improvement Program Budget by appropriating $295,500 in Proposition A local transit the Purchase of Dial-ARide Vehicles project. The Launching Pasadena Transit and Pasadena Dial-A-Ride’s Zero Emission Transition project will replace 14 internal combustion engine powered public transit vehicles that will reach their useful life in 2026 with 15 zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). This initiative is part of the City’s efforts to transition its public transit fleet to more sustainable options. Below is a table that identifies the timeline of the transition. This project will replace over 30% of the Pasadena Transit fleet and over 50% of the Pasadena Dial-A-Ride fleet with zero-emission vehicles. The table below summarizes the quantity and the timing of the zero-emission transition. These vehicles are estimated to carry over 4.8 million passengers over their anticipated service life of 12 years..
  • Authorization for the City Manager to amend contract No.9706-3 with Norton Simon Museum, to increase the contract amount by $171,144 thereby increasing the grand total to $337,104, subject to annual Consumer Price Index. In 1975, the City entered into a 75-year ground lease agreement with Norton Simon Museum (NSM). As part of the agreement, NSM was responsible for all building improvements and structural maintenance, while the City was responsible for the upkeep of trees, shrubs, ground covers, planters, walkways, and the service, replacement and repair of irrigation systems. In 1978, the agreement was amended to allow NSM to undertake the contractual responsibility for landscape maintenance and required the City to reimburse NSM for payments made to the landscape contractor of their choice. In 1990, the lease was again amended to extend the term from 75 to 99 years and to incorporate an annual Consumer Price Index escalator for landscape maintenance expenses. Finally, in 2003, the City Council approved an amendment to the contract to increase the annual landscape maintenance costs due to significant improvements and renovations on the museum grounds. The lease agreement is set to expire in 2075. The landscape needs at NSM have increased over time due to maturing trees, landscape improvements, and deferred pond maintenance. Through an evaluation of landscaping needs, NSM identified that the vendor contract was insufficient to meet the landscape needs of the museum and that the contractor did not maintain the grounds “reasonably satisfactory condition.”

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