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Pasadena Community Foundation to Host Child Welfare Advocate David Ambroz

Event to explore the realities of foster care and homelessness through Ambroz's personal journey

Published on Thursday, April 11, 2024 | 6:15 am

The Pasadena Community Foundation will host a free community presentation on Thursday, April 25, at the University Club of Pasadena, featuring David Ambroz, a nationally recognized child welfare advocate. Ambroz will share his personal insights and discuss his memoir, “A Place Called Home,” which details his experiences with homelessness, neglect, and the foster care system.

The event, which begins at 6 p.m., aims to delve into the challenges faced by children in foster care and those experiencing homelessness. Ambroz’s advocacy journey is rooted in his own struggles, having faced homelessness and neglect as a child, leading to his removal from his mother’s custody due to her mental illness. His experiences in foster care were further complicated by challenges related to his sexual orientation.

Despite these adversities, Ambroz’s resilience and determination propelled him to success. He graduated from Vassar College and earned a J.D. from UCLA School of Law. In 2016, while serving as the Executive Director of Corporate Citizenship & Social Responsibility for the Disney/ABC Television Group, Ambroz was recognized by President Barack Obama as an American Champion of Change.

During his tenure at Disney/ABC, Ambroz convened more than 100 partners to create FosterMore, a multimedia campaign aimed at raising awareness about the potential of the more than 400,000 youth in the foster care system. The initiative brought together private sector companies, foundations, nonprofits, and Disney/ABC to shine a light on the issue during Foster Care Awareness Month.

Ambroz’s lifelong passion for child welfare reform is evident through his various initiatives, including the establishment of the National Foster Youth Advisory Council in 1997, the GLBT Foster Care Joint Initiative in 1998, and his service on the California Child Welfare Council and the ABA Commission on Youth At Risk.

The Pasadena Community Foundation, established in 1953, manages over $161 million in charitable assets dedicated to supporting Pasadena’s nonprofits. Through strategic philanthropy and grant funding, PCF works to foster positive change in the community. In 2023, the foundation awarded $2.8 million in grants to more than 100 Pasadena-area nonprofits.

The event on April 25 aims to encourage dialogue on social justice and mental health issues. Reservations are required by April 18 and can be made by contacting Vivian Kambe at More information about the event and David Ambroz can be found at

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