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Pasadena Police to Conduct Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Operation on Friday

Published on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 | 5:27 am

The Pasadena Police Department will conduct a traffic safety operation on Friday, May 3, focusing on the most dangerous driver behaviors that put the safety of people biking or walking at risk, officials announced Monday.

The operation will target violations such as speeding, making illegal turns, failing to yield or provide right of way to bicyclists or pedestrians, and failing to stop for signs and signals, according to Lt. Anthony Russo.

“Bicyclists and pedestrians have the same rights to the road but face even more risk without the protections vehicles have,” Russo said. “We should all be looking out for one another.”

The Department offered detailed safety tips for pedestrians, drivers, and bicyclists to reduce the risk of crashes and injuries.

  • Pedestrians should be predictable, use crosswalks when available, take notice of approaching vehicles, and not walk or run into the path of a vehicle. They should also be visible to drivers and exercise extra caution when crossing streets, especially at night.
  • Drivers are advised to slow down at intersections, be prepared to stop for pedestrians at marked and unmarked crosswalks and between intersections where pedestrians may cross, avoid blocking crosswalks, and never drive under the influence.
  • Bicyclists must obey traffic laws, use hand signals and lights at night, wear helmets, and yield the right-of-way to pedestrians within marked or unmarked crosswalks at intersections and between intersections. They should travel in the same direction as traffic, follow the requirements of slow-moving vehicles, avoid riding too close to parked cars, and use bike lanes when available.

Funding for the program is provided through a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, via the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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