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Police Interact with Community with Curbside Coffee and Chat Sessions

Published on Monday, September 2, 2013 | 9:32 am

Pasadena Police Department’s Community Services Section met with the local community members in August to share vital information on Neighborhood Watch, home security, and general safety.

Members of the section deployed the Mobile Command Post Curbside Coffee and Chat into four neighborhoods. It visited the residents of the 900 block of Atchison Street, the 500 block of West Hammond Street, the 500 block of Summit Avenue and the 3200 block of Florecita Drive.

The curbside chats offer residents an opportunity to step out of their homes and gather at the curbside to meet with officers, police specialists and its core of volunteers in an informal and collaborative setting. These brief meetings serve as an opportunity to share crime trends, offer solutions, and plan strategies to improve the quality of life in our fine city, the Department said.

The Mobile Command Post is being utilized as a highly visible and recognizable platform from which to host informal curbside coffee and chats with residents in neighborhoods throughout Pasadena. These informal meetings allow for neighbors and their children to step out of their homes and to be greeted at the curbside by uniformed officers operating the Mobile Command Post, the Department added.

For visitation arrangements and for more information, contact or email any of the following Team Members: Police Specialist Kathleen “Kitty” Johnson – Service Areas one and four at (626) 744-7650 /; Police Specialist Hilda Jurado – Service Area two at (626) 744-7659 /; Police Specialist Karla Kauhola – Service Areas three and five at (626) 744-7657 /; Officer Ralph Ordonez – Outreach Unit at (626) 744-7651 /; or Officer Cristian Allen – Outreach Unit at (626) 744-7656 /


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