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Pasadena Public Health Suggests Steps to Prevent Inhaling Smoke and Ash From Eaton Fire

Published on Thursday, January 9, 2025 | 5:30 pm
Via South Coast AQMD X formerly Twitter page

As part of the response to the Eaton Fire, Pasadena Public Health Department urges residents affected by wildfire smoke to take steps to protect their health by staying indoors and avoiding outside activity, if possible, to prevent the inhalation of smoke and ash.

Smoke and ash from wildfires can be unhealthy, particularly for vulnerable people such as older adults, children, individuals with respiratory illnesses or asthma, and pregnant people. Wildfire smoke contains fine particles which are respiratory irritants, and when inhaled deeply, can affect the lungs and the heart. Exposure to high concentrations of fine particles can cause persistent cough, runny nose, phlegm, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. Urban wildfires can lead to potentially greater risks to health because they often release more toxic pollutants, due to the burning of synthetic materials like plastics and metals found in buildings.

Smoke from wildfires can also cause eye irritation, reduced lung function, and bronchitis. Breathing smoke can also make asthma symptoms worse. People with underlying lung or heart problems should limit their exposure by staying indoors.

People who must work outdoors for long periods in areas with heavy smoke or where ash is present, should wear a well-fitting N95, P100, or P110+organic vapor respirator mask. Since wearing a respirator can make it hard to breathe, individuals with lung or heart problems should ask their doctor before using one.

You can monitor air quality in the Los Angeles area on the South Coast AQMD website.

Protect yourself from wildfire smoke:

• Shut windows.
• Turn off your vents to the outside.
• Use portable air cleaners/air purifiers inside.
• Reduce physical activity to reduce inhalation of smoky air.
• Wear a well-fitting respiratory mask, gloves, long-sleeved shirts, and long pants when cleaning up ash. Avoid skin contact. If you do get ash on your skin, wash it off immediately. Some wet ash can cause chemical burns.
• Monitor children and young adults, and do not allow children to play with ash or be in an area where ash-covered materials are being disturbed.
• Clean ash off pets.
• If you experience chest pain, chest tightness or shortness of breath, seek medical care immediately.

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