Pasadena’s Municipal Services Committee will receive an update on the city’s plan to achieve 100% carbon-free electricity by 2030 at its meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 27. A briefing on the Optimized Strategic Plan (OSP) by Pasadena Water and Power is part of the Committee’s agenda.
The OSP builds upon PWP’s 2023 Power Integrated Resource Plan, which was unanimously approved by the City Council in December 2023. It aims to define actions needed to achieve the goals set in City Resolution 9977, which includes sourcing all of Pasadena’s electricity from carbon-free sources by 2030 while optimizing for affordability, rate equity, stability, and reliability.
To develop the OSP, Pasadena has engaged Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. (E3), a clean energy policy consultant that provided technical review services for the 2023 IRP. The City Council approved a two-year, $1,170,000 contract with E3 in March 2024 to create the plan.
“E3 is uniquely positioned to help quickly implement Pasadena’s accelerated transition towards a carbon-free energy supply,” said David M. Reyes, PWP Interim General Manager, in a memorandum to the committee.
The memorandum said OSP will consider new generation resources, investments in infrastructure, and customer programs to facilitate the transition. It will assess infrastructure needs, including types and locations of new generation resources and acquisition timing.
The plan will also explore customer participation, projecting future energy demands and examining distributed energy resources like solar, battery storage, and electric vehicle charging. E3 will use various planning models to design portfolios meeting the city’s goals.
Stakeholder engagement is a key component of the OSP development process, according to the memorandum. E3 has already hosted four meetings of a Technical Advisory Panel, representing diverse community interests, since June 2024. In coordination with PWP External Affairs, E3 will conduct a comprehensive outreach process including community meetings and informational updates.
Starting on Sept. 10, E3 will provide bi-monthly updates to the Municipal Services Committee and Environmental Advisory Commission. The memorandum said these briefings will allow for policy direction and public input as the plan progresses.
The OSP development is divided into three main phases: preparatory studies, portfolio development, and final plan creation. Preparatory studies, which are currently underway, include a Distributed Solar & Storage Study, Demand Response & Flex Loads Potential Study, Emerging Technology Assessment, and Transmission Expansion Options Assessment.
The portfolio development phase will include studies such as the Glenarm Conversion and Replacement Study, Long-Term Capacity Expansion Modeling, Production Cost Modeling, and Distribution System Analysis.
“The approved scope of work and timeline represent a cohesive and comprehensive framework built on rigorous technical analysis,” Reyes said.
The plan’s development will continue through July 2025, with regular updates to city officials and the public.