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Pasadena to Host Virtual Community Meeting for Residents’ Input on New Director of Transportation

Published on Friday, January 12, 2024 | 5:24 am

Pasadena’s City Manager, Miguel Márquez, has announced a virtual community meeting to gather public input on the qualities and qualifications desired in the City’s next Director of Transportation.

The meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, January 24 at 5:30 p.m. on Zoom, aims to involve the community in the selection process for this key position.

The new director will oversee a substantial operating budget of around $44 million, a capital budget of nearly $184 million, and a staff of 54.

The City said the ideal candidate is expected to have a high-level approach to transportation planning, with a deep understanding of how transportation impacts communities. The city is particularly interested in candidates with experience in finance, budget creation and oversight, grant funding, and cost reduction. Exceptional interpersonal skills and a passion for collaborating with various stakeholders are also essential qualities for the role.

According to the City’s website, the director will oversee the fiscal year 2024’s operating budget of approximately $44 million, a capital budget of nearly $184 million, and a staff of 54.

The salary for the position is between $195,448 and $244,309.

“With significant Capital Improvements upcoming, the City is seeking a Director with experience in finance, particularly in the areas of budget creation and oversight, grant funding, and cost reduction,” an earlier City statement said.

“The ideal Director will be a technically skilled administrator with exceptional interpersonal skills, who is enthusiastic about collaborating with constituents, special interest groups, and City Council to strategize innovative solutions to safety and transportation concerns.”

The position became open when Laura Rubio-Cornejo, City of Pasadena was appointed to serve as General Manager, City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation in August.

The public meeting will be facilitated by the executive search firm WBPC, Inc. and will provide an opportunity for members of the community to share their thoughts on the characteristics and professional background they feel would be most important in the new director.

To join the virtual meeting on January 24 click here:

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