The Pasadena Tournament of Roses Foundation recently hosted its first ever Golf Classic on the Brookside Golf Course, which is adjacent to the Rose Bowl Stadium, to raise funds for sports and education programs of local nonprofits.
“It was the first time we’ve ever held that golf classic. We were proud to have it at Brookside in the shadow of the historic Rose Bowl stadium,” said Carlos Illingworth, Executive Director of the Foundation said.
The Golf Classic held last September 12 was presented by J.P. Morgan Private Bank. Nearly 150 golfers participated in the event.
“We were sold out. We had 144 golfers there, golfing, supporting the foundation, and it was a lot of fun and we had a very successful fundraiser,” remarked Illingworth.
According to Illingworth, the event has raised nearly $140,000 and netted over $92,000, which was over the foundation’s targeted goal.
Proceeds will go towards the foundation’s grant program which supports nonprofits in the San Gabriel Valley that focus on sports and recreation, visual performing arts and education.
“The dollars raised are going to go right back into the community,” assured Illingworth.
Illingworth said organizers are planning to expand next year’s Golf Classic.
“We’ve started planning for the 2023 Golf Classic. We’ll be starting soon, and we hope to expand the event.”
The Tournament of Roses Foundation has contributed over $4 million to a diverse range of local organizations in the areas of sports and recreation activities, visual performing arts and education since 1983.
Currently, the foundation is preparing for its annual appeal, where it invites members of the community to support the foundation with a tax deductible contribution.
“That is something we’re focused on and we’ll be promoting that here in the coming weeks,” said Illingworth.
For more information on how to support the foundation visit: