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Pasadena Unified Names First Schools to Reopen Next Week

Ten campuses set to welcome back approximately 3,400 TK-12 students, plus additional children's center and adult learners

Published on Saturday, January 18, 2025 | 5:21 am
[Pasadena Unified School District photo]

School officials announced the first phase of Pasadena Unified school reopenings following the devastating Eaton Fire that damaged five campuses and forced the evacuation of more than 10,000 of PUSD’s 14,000 students from their homes.

Ten schools and programs will resume in-person classes on January 23, according to an announcement from Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth Blanco.

“To accelerate reopening, campuses located further from the fire’s impact will reopen first, allowing the community to begin its path toward healing,” Blanco said in her January 17 community message.

The initial reopening phase includes:

  1. Hamilton Elementary
  2. Willard Elementary & *Children’s Center
  3. Blair Middle and High School
  4. San Rafael Elementary
  5. McKinley School
  6. *Rose City High School
  7. *Center for Independent Study
  8. *Pasadena Adult Living Skills
  9. *Twilight Adult School
  10. *Aveson Global Leadership Academy

*located on the Wilson campus

School principals will send detailed reopening information to their respective school communities.

Students are currently engaged in self-directed learning while a workforce of more than 1,500 PUSD Maintenance and Operations staff and contractors conducts thorough sanitization of air filtration devices, vents, and surfaces.

The cleaning process is extensive – at Blair Middle and High School alone, it took teams five days to complete the work.

Crews have removed 38 tons of outdoor debris from campus grounds. Each site must pass environmental testing before reopening.

Before students return, staff will attend an All-Staff Reopening event on January 22 to address the fire’s aftermath. District officials aim to return all students to in-person learning by month’s end.

The fire caused severe damage to five PUSD facilities: Eliot Arts Magnet Middle School, Franklin Elementary (closed in 2020), and three charter schools – Edison (Odyssey), Loma Alta (Rosebud Academy and Oak Knoll Montessori), and Noyes (Aveson School of Leaders).

During the transition, the district continues to offer self-directed learning options through:,

along with essential support services including replacement devices, Grab and Go meals, and housing assistance.

Community partners have played a key role in recovery efforts, with the district expressing gratitude for the outpouring of support from all corners of the community.

The Pasadena Educational Foundation is accepting contributions through their response fund at to support affected students.

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