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Pasadena Unified Interim Superintendent Unveils 100-Day Plan to Improve District, Empower Students

Published on Thursday, August 3, 2023 | 6:38 am

Pasadena Unified School District Interim Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth J. Blanco unveiled a 100-Day Plan detailing her immediate objectives and describing a five-point strategy she said was developed with extensive community input.

Dr. Blanco said the plan will prioritize equity and access for all students, and continue the work to support the students who are furthest from opportunity.

Dr. Blanco said her plan is aligned with PUSD’s newly adopted mission statement, which is to empower every student to succeed in a diverse and ever-changing world. 

The plan enumerates five major initiatives, described as “pillars.”

Pillar 1: Learner-Focused Instruction

The plan targets student success by providing support based on data analysis, improving literacy and math programs, and promoting inclusive practices.

Pillar 2: Outstanding and Respected Employees, Organizational Efficiency

The district will focus on supporting culturally competent employees and fostering a culture of excellence.

Pillar 3: Quality Learning Environment

Data-driven decision-making will enhance the learning environment, with an emphasis on equity and improvement strategies.

Pillar 4: Effective, Responsive, and Accountable Organization

Efficiency, transparency, and responsiveness will be prioritized to support student achievement.

Pillar 5: Purposeful Collaboration with Families and Communities to Increase Trust

Engaging positively with stakeholders will strengthen trust and collaboration for improved education outcomes.

Dr. Blanco said one of her main goals is to streamline the district’s operations and services so that they can better meet the needs and expectations of schools, students, and employees. She also wants to enhance the district’s communication system so that it can foster more collaboration and engagement with internal and external stakeholders.

Dr. Blanco became Interim Superintendent in late July, after the Board of Education appointed her unanimously. Before that, she was the deputy superintendent for PUSD, holding a prominent position on the Superintendent’s Cabinet, where she spearheaded systemic change to foster equity, access, and enhanced student achievement. 

In her statement, Dr. Blanco expressed her optimism about the strategic plan, which she said was developed in collaboration with parents, students, teachers, staff and all of the district’s educational partners.

“Putting the Strategic Plan into operation is an opportunity to move our students, employees and families to a culture of ‘with’ that elevates their voices and makes our district more responsive to their needs,” she said.

“This has been a team effort at every step along the way,” Dr. Blanco said.

Dr. Blanco said she will be sharing a progress report with the Board of Education, PUSD leaders, staff, and education partners at the conclusion of the 100 days. 

To read the PUSD 100-Day Plan, visit

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