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Pasadena’s Newest Market, Much-Anticipated Amazon Fresh Opens Thursday Morning

Published on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 | 5:03 pm

[Photo courtesy of City of Pasadena]
[Updated]  Amazon Fresh opened its new high-tech market in East Pasadena featuring cashier-less grocery shopping early Thursday morning.

Located at 3425 E Colorado Blvd., the market will be open daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., according to Pasadena Councilmember Gene Masuda.

The much-needed new store fills a void in that portion of East Pasadena.

“It means a lot. First of all, the residents will have another new and exciting place to go shopping and a different experience. They’ve been looking forward to it,” Masuda said. The market is located in his Council district.

Amazon Fresh markets feature technology that tracks customer selections as they place items into their shopping carts. When they’ve finished shopping, the customers simply leave the store. Their credit cards are charged for their purchases and they receive the charge information via e-mail a short time later.

The store is also tailored for online shopping which is available for pickup or delivery, with free same-day service available to Amazon Prime members.

Masuda says his constituents have been looking forward to the opening.

“People have been hearing about it, and so people are very inquisitive. They look forward to finding out what it’s all about. And of course, people like to shop and Amazon Fresh is saying that it’s going to be an easy way to shop.”

Amazon also owns Whole Foods, which it bought for $13.4 billion in 2017. The look and feel of Amazon Fresh, sleek and modern, is akin to comparing a more functional atmosphere with Whole Foods luxury experience.

The chain opened its first brick-and-mortar store in 2020 and now has more than 40 stores in the U.S.

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