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Pasadena’s One-Day-Per-Week Outdoor Watering Schedule Continues as Regional Drought Emergency Declared for Southern California

Published on Thursday, December 29, 2022 | 5:39 am

Preparing for a fourth consecutive dry year, Metropolitan Water District’s (MWD) board of directors declared a regional drought emergency for all of Southern California and called on water agencies to immediately reduce their use of imported supplies. 

MWD imports water from the Colorado River and Northern California to supplement local supplies, including Pasadena.

About 60% of Pasadena’s water supply is sourced from the MWD, according to City data.

“As a leader in water conservation, Pasadena continues to be proactive in conserving our precious resources while meeting the needs of the region as conditions evolve,” said Assistant General Manager of Water Stacie Takeguchi.

In effort to respond to the state’s unprecedented drought conditions, dwindling water supplies, and critically low storage, Pasadena City Council preemptively enacted a Level 2 shortage response in August 2021 and adopted a 15% water-use reduction goal. The council took further action in August 2022 by implementing a one-day-per-week outdoor watering schedule, which took effect in September.

“The earlier and longer we conserve, the more we save for the future,” Takeguchi said. “We want to thank the

Pasadena community for continuing to help conserve water and stretch the region’s limited supplies.”

Visit for additional information on the drought, Pasadena’s one-day-per-week outdoor watering schedule, water savings programs and rebates, and more.

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