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PCC Board Celebrates Athletic Success, Approves Staff Raises and Campus Improvements

Historic sports season highlighted alongside facility upgrades and personnel changes

Published on Thursday, December 12, 2024 | 5:32 am

[PCC photo]
The Pasadena City College Board of Trustees celebrated an historic athletics season and approved multiple initiatives including employee raises, facility improvements and staffing changes during its regular meeting Wednesday, Dec. 11 at Creveling Lounge.

Dean Timi Brown reported that Pasadena City College’s sports teams achieved record-setting performances during Fall 2024, with teams and many athletes establishing new records.

In employment affairs, the Board approved agreements with the California School Employees Association Chapter 777 and the Police Officers Association that will provide a 1.07% cost-of-living adjustment and a $2,000 off-schedule payment. The same benefits package will extend to college executive managers.

Moving to governance matters, Trustees approved three updated policies regarding student membership, agenda procedures, and Board vacancies. The college’s midterm accreditation report was also approved for submission to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges.

Major campus improvements received authorization, including the selection of C.W. Driver as contractor for Mirror Pools renovation and procurement of four Steinway grand pianos for the Performing and Communication Arts division. The Board approved environmental analysis work by PlaceWorks for the new Rosemead Campus project and authorized proposals for a campus-wide energy management system.

The Board approved performances by the Tournament of Roses Honor Band at Dodger Stadium, Disneyland, Santa Anita Park, and the Rose Parade.

In personnel actions, thirteen new employees will join the college, including Amy Carnes as Foundation Director of Development, Raymond Hazelwood as Network Engineer, and Michael O’Neal-Petterson as Director of Technology Customer Experience. Six employees will transition to new roles internally, while four staff members are departing, including Carmita Veliz, who retires after 16 years as a registered nurse specialist.

The college’s annual audit confirmed sound accounting procedures and accurate financial reporting. Curriculum changes were also approved.

The meeting adjourned in memory of former employees Joanne Ohanesian, who served 42 years in Shatford Library, and Nancy Martinez from the counseling office.

The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. Wednesday, February 12, 2025, in Creveling Lounge at 1570 E. Colorado Boulevard. Full meeting materials and video are available on the college’s YouTube channel.

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