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Pedestrian Plan Before Transportation Commission on Thursday

Published on Monday, September 19, 2022 | 5:00 am

The Transportation Commission will vote on supporting the draft Pasadena Pedestrian Plan and recommending approval by City Council. 

“Pasadena Walks! is the City’s current Pedestrian Master Plan that prioritizes and guides investments to create a safer and more walkable Pasadena,” according to the plan.

The plan works towards the City’s vision of creating a community where people can circulate without cars. 

This vision, laid out in the City’s General Plan Update in 2015, relies upon an integrated and multimodal transportation system that provides choices and accessibility for everyone living and working in Pasadena. 

The plan came about after the Department of Transportation (DOT) received a grant from the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) to develop a comprehensive pedestrian plan for Pasadena. 

The overarching goals of the plan are to make walking in the City safer, more comfortable, convenient and accessible for pedestrians of all ages and abilities. 

Goals include improving conditions for people walking and   connections to surrounding destinations.

Specific goals also include increasing the percentage of walking trips, reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and the environmental impacts of driving.

Measurable goals will require before and after studies that capture the number of pedestrians utilizing the corridor and longer-term safety analysis to determine improvements to safety. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a variety of outreach and engagement strategies were used to increase community input. 

The outreach process included an advisory committee, a survey with over 1600 responses, meetings with focus groups, informational stakeholder workshop events, walk audits with community members, and three community meetings. 

“The advisory committee was made up of representatives from a variety of Pasadena organizations, groups, and stakeholders, including representation from residents, businesses, the accessibility commission and the northwest commission. The members of the advisory group were selected by each council district, relevant commission representatives, business, advocacy groups, and two DOT appointed representatives.”

The committee provided local and input on pedestrian related concerns, issues and needs, gathered feedback for direction of the project, and served as liaisons between DOT and the Pasadena community they represent. 

A total of four meetings were held with the advisory committee from February to December. 

“At some point of getting to and from a destination, everyone walks; every trip in a car, on a bus, or by bike starts and ends with a walking trip,” according to a City staff report. “As a result, improving walkability and pedestrian infrastructure is one of the most critical elements to enhancing overall mobility and transportation options for any community.” 

The meeting begins at 4 p.m. on Thursday and can be viewed at

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